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Alpha's Vow (Shifter Ops 2)

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“You’re fine. I’ll be right here.” I mount the bike behind her. Her small body is wedged between my legs, her bottom brushing my cock. Her peachy-pine scent surrounds me, and I savor the moment. Just being close to her, I could die happy.

“Okay, I’m remembering how this goes.”

I reach around to rest my hands over hers on the handlebars. “You’ve got this.”

“The gears are down here?” She finds the pedal on the left.


“Okay.” She blows out her breath. “Here goes nothing.” She kickstarts the motorcycle and it roars to life. “Maybe I do remember how to do this,” she mutters, as if to herself.

She squeezes the clutch closed and shifts to first, then gives it a little gas and lets out the clutch. We move forward smoothly.

“Perfect.” I let go of the handlebars to rest my hands lightly on her thighs. Enough contact to prime her for what’s coming. Not enough to distract her from driving.

She takes it slow at first, following the curving road back toward town. When it opens up into a long, straight stretch, she lets her speed climb. I hear her exhilarated laugh filter back on the wind, along with that delectable scent.

I want to bury my face in her hair and bite her neck. It’s a strange thought—not one I usually have with females, especially not the human variety. I’ve never had the urge to mark a female before, but the desire seems present tonight.

Maybe because I’m approaching thirty. My wolf wants me to mate.

Sorry, not gonna happen, buddy.

Relationships are forbidden in our little pack. At least, they were until Deke met Sadie, his mate.

Charlie slows down when we get into town, stopping at the first light. I put one leg down to lean on so she doesn’t have to.

“Having fun?” I call out over the wind.

“Yes.” She sounds excited, like she almost can’t believe she decided to do this. The music of it seems to fall all around me, tiny shards of pleasure piercing my skin.

The light turns to green, and she puts the bike in gear and slowly takes off, finding her way into town and stopping in front of a small house on a quiet back street.

“This is my place.”

I reach around her to turn the bike off.

“I guess you think you’re coming in.” There’s laughter in her voice.

“I’m coming in,” I tell her. “I have a job to do.”

“Oh yeah?” She’s flirting now, something I would guess is out of character for her. “What's that?”

“My job is to make you scream until you’re hoarse, sweetheart.” I unfasten the helmet from her chin and take it off. “And I plan to take my time, so we’d better get started if you want to sleep at all tonight.” I wink.

She hesitates, even though we both know she’s already made her decision. “Does this work on every woman?”

“I don’t try it on every woman. You are the only woman I’ve ever let drive my motorcycle,” I tell her. It’s the truth. Honestly, she’s the only woman I’ve met who seemed competent enough. Charlie exudes competence.

She seems to like that. She smiles, watching my face. “Your eyes almost look silver in the moonlight.”

My wolf is showing? That gives me pause. I don’t think that’s happened before with a woman. Damn, I must really need to get laid tonight. I reach around and grasp the back of her neck, pulling her into me.

She gasps, her hands coming to my chest, her breath fogging the air between us. My mouth descends on hers in a rough kiss. A promise of what’s to come.

She parts her lips, accepts my plunder. I let my tongue flick between them, a suggestion of what I’ll be doing between her legs.

And then she’s all in. Her arms circle around my neck and she kisses me back, abandoning whatever small resistance she still had to this. I scoop her ass up with my forearm, so she’s straddling me, and carry her to her door, as our lips and tongues tangle and twist over one another.

“Here.” She’s breathless. She holds up her keys. I take them from her, refusing to break the kiss, and fumble with the lock without looking. It gives me the chance to press her back against the door and grind the bulge of my cock in the notch between her legs. Then the door opens and we tumble forward, laughing. I recover my balance, and my hold on her. Her scent is driving me wild now. It’s up in my nostrils, creating all kinds of chaos with my wolf.

If my eyes weren’t ice-blue before, they sure are now. Hopefully Charlie won’t remember their color from before.

I want to carry her straight to the bedroom, but I promised her an all-nighter, and I intend to make sure she feels like breaking her own rules are worth it.

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