Alpha's Vow (Shifter Ops 2) - Page 29

“So… what about Lance? When are you going to tell him?”

“I don’t know. That’s the thing. I mean, Lance isn’t exactly the guy I had in mind to raise kids with.”

“Why not?” There’s no accusation in Sadie’s voice, although she sounds perplexed.

“Well, the man-whore thing for one. And also—” I break off because I don’t want to add my worry to Sadie. I mean, she’s already in deep with Deke. I wouldn’t be surprised if they got married and had kids.

“Also, what?”

“Well, they’re in a dangerous business. That’s not really what I want for my family. I grew up worrying about my parents not coming home from their tours of duty. Now I worry about my brother. I don’t want to have to worry about my hus—” I stop, because husband and Lance don’t even seem to go together. “I mean, not that we’re even going to be together. But we’ll be co-parenting, I guess. I don’t want to have to worry that my kid’s dad won’t come home from a mission.”

“Listen, Charlie,” Sadie says, sympathy lacing her words. “There’s a lot you don’t know about Lance, but he should be the one to tell you. You need to talk to him—right away.”

“Yeah, I know…”

Not a conversation I’m even remotely ready to face.

“I mean, I’m terrible at holding in exciting news, so you have to tell him right away, or I’ll burst.”

I slap a hand over my forehead. “Sadie, please. Don’t say anything to anyone. Not even to Deke.”

“Um…” She sounds guilty.

“Is he right there?”

“Yeah, and he has really good hearing.”


“Just talk to Lance. Right away, okay?”

My stomach quivers with anxiety. “Yeah, okay. I will. Thanks, Sadie.”

I end the call, staring into space.

There’s a lot you don’t know about Lance, but he should be the one to tell you.

What does that mean? It wasn’t what I’d hoped to get out of the conversation. I’m not sure what I hoped—that she’d somehow know the one thing that would make all of this all right?

That doesn’t exist.

Things aren’t all right.

But I will have to work with what I’ve got.

I shriek when a knock sounds at my front door. Did Sadie call an emergency Whine Wednesday meeting already?

No, that’s way too fast.

Oh God, I am so not up for company right now.

I jog for the door and throw it open, ready to tell whoever is there that now is not a good time.

But when I do, no sound comes out of my open mouth.

Lance is there, leaning against the doorframe, his brow in a deep furrow.


Charlie’s new scent hits me, bowling me over like a tidal wave. I caught it today on the wind when I was following her. It’s changed.

She’s changed. Her breasts are swollen. Her face is stained with tears.


My female’s pregnant, and she doesn’t want it.

Misery washes through me, thick and hot.

I showed up on her doorstep, but words elude me.

“Lance.” She sounds breathless, in a shocked way.


Hey—really? That’s all I can think to say?

She doesn’t move back to invite me in, even though cold air fills her house, making her nipples protrude under her long-sleeved t-shirt.

“I don’t want to disturb you, but, ah, I wanted to make sure you’re okay.”

She swallows. “Um. No, not really. But it turns out, it wasn’t the stomach flu—I’m pregnant,” she blurts.

I drop my head at the tears I hear in her voice. “I know,” I say softly.

“You know?” She cocks her head.

I nod. “Yeah, I smelled it on you. Can I come in? There’s something you need to know about that baby you’re carrying.”

Charlie’s green eyes go wide and round.

This was so not the way I wanted to tell her. Your baby isn’t human is the last thing you want to tell your baby-mama. And also, baby-mama is right up there with things I should never, ever have to say.

Mate is the only acceptable term.


“Okay,” Charlie says, paranoia tinging her voice.

Great. I’m already scaring her.

I step into her entryway and take off my leather jacket.

“Did you say you smelled it?” She sounds incredulous.

“Yeah.” I take a deep breath, words still failing me. “You know that wolf you’ve been seeing on your route?”

“What? How did you know about that?” Charlie takes mincing steps backward, completely confused.

I lift my palm up, facing her. “That’s me.”

She stops breathing.

I reach out to catch both her hands, afraid she’s going to pass out.

“I’m so fucking sorry. This is not how I planned to tell you.”

She stares up at me with those clear green eyes. “Um… I…. what?” Her hands are clammy, and she tries to pull them out of my grasp.

“I’m a wolf shifter. It’s not an infection, we’re a species. So your baby—our baby—will be half-shifter.”

Charlie starts to laugh hysterically. “Oh my God.” More giggles.

I release her hands and she stumbles backward, covering her mouth.

“What are you talking about? The wolf… “ She goes still, dropping her hands away and staring at me like she just now understands. “You’re the wolf on my route?”

Tags: Lee Savino, Renee Rose Shifter Ops Fantasy
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024