Alpha's Vow (Shifter Ops 2) - Page 37

“Yep,” Deke concurs.

“Apologies,” Rafe says. “We were supposed to make you feel more comfortable with the pack tonight, and I think I fucked that up.”

A huge layer of tension in my shoulders eases, especially when Charlie says, “It’s fine. Just setting boundaries.”

“She’s very good at boundaries,” Sadie says. “Now, let’s eat, the burgers are getting cold.”

“Yes, I’d better.” Charlie looks up at me like she remembers my advice not to get hungry, and it does something wonky to my chest. I rush to pull out a chair for her, and grab a plate from the stack in the middle of the giant natural-edge maple table—my only contribution to our place, and the one piece of furniture I truly love.

Charlie runs her fingers over the gleaming surface, appreciatively. “This is beautiful,” she murmurs.

It means everything to me that she appreciates it. I immediately want to dismantle it and bring it to her house for her to enjoy. Or will she move in here? Fuck, there’s so much to figure out before the pup comes.

“Thanks. I bought it from a woodworker I befriended in Arroyo Seco. He does incredible work.”

“He really does. I love it.”

I heap her plate with food first, offering everything there is like she’s in danger of starving to death any second. Only when she tucks into her food can I think about filling my own plate.


After dinner, I ask Charlie to stay, and bring her to my bedroom on the upper floor. I have a loft with an A-frame room. The west wall is floor-to-ceiling windows, looking out into the snowy forest. The sun set hours ago, but the moon has risen to bathe the forest in her pale light.

“Lance, this is incredible,” Charlie breathes. “The view!”

“Yeah, I love it,” I admit. The floors are polished oak and my furniture is simple, clean-lined wood. A large geometric-patterned rug in turquoise and brick covers the floor.

“What do you do in the morning, though? Doesn’t the sun wake you up?”

I grin. “Yeah. I don’t mind. I’m an early riser. I’ll keep your head covered with a sheet in the morning.”

Charlie smiles and rests both her hands on my chest. “What’s the deal with your brother? Is he upset about the pregnancy?”

I cover her hands with mine. “No,” I say, but the interaction doesn’t sit well in my mind, either. I don’t want Charlie to think any of it is about her, or the pup. I don’t want her to dislike Rafe or feel unwelcome in our pack. I also don’t like letting things get heavy. But it seems necessary.

“I should tell you something,” I say.

She studies my face. “What is it?”

“Honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever told this story before. I think Channing and Deke know most of it, but it’s not because I’ve talked.”

Charlies brows draw together in concern. “What is it?”

I turn to look out the giant window into the dark outline of trees, lit by moonlight. “Rafe and I were orphaned when I was eleven. Our parents were—” I stop, my stomach lurching at the memories crowding in. “Our parents died, and Rafe sort of took on the role of father to me. He was just fifteen.”

“Lance.” Charlie’s voice is soft, pulling me back from the darkness. “I’m so sorry.”

I turn to look her full in the face, drinking in her visage. Her loveliness, her glow, her scent all soothe me. I shake my head. “It was a long time ago. But Rafe still thinks he’s responsible for everything when it comes to me. When we were young, I would try and try to prove to him I could stand on my own two feet, that I could fight my own battles and handle myself without him looking out for me, but it never took. Eventually, I gave up and became the one with zero fucks. I mean, we can’t both be tightly wound all the time. I figured one of us had better go out and live.”

Charlie’s eyes go round.

Fuck. I shouldn’t have told her that part. She will think that I’m not responsible. Not worthy of being a good father to our child. I pretty much just told her I’m the pack playboy. Which has been true.

“So Rafe’s Mr. Serious, and you’re Mr. Laid back?” Her voice is soft with understanding. I don’t hear any judgement in it.

I shrug. “Yeah, I guess so. So he’s busy out there thinking he needs to worry about our pup now, like I’m not a grown wolf capable of protecting my own young.” I wave a hand in the direction of Rafe’s bedroom.

“Yeah, I didn’t like his implication,” Charlie says.

“Fuck, I’m so sorry he offended you. I will make damn sure he makes it up to you.”

Charlie shakes her head. “I wasn’t offended. I mean, I was just offended for you. I felt like he was selling you short.”

Tags: Lee Savino, Renee Rose Shifter Ops Fantasy
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024