Finding Beauty in the Darkness - Page 76

“I thought since Giovanni is out on business for the day we could talk. He’s made it a point to keep me away from you all week but there are a few things I need to say.” I’m stunned to learn that Giovanni has kept her away from me. I thought this whole time she was simply avoiding me, but to learn it was his doing has me extremely curious as to why. Without waiting for my response, Claudia continues. “I wanted to apologize for Cecilia’s part in what happened regarding Senator Weston Hightower.”

She’s apologizing for something Cecilia did? “No, please, I can’t let you take the blame or apologize for something you had no control over.”

“Please let me finish, dear.” She places her hands into her lap and sits up straighter, her shoulders jutting back. “As I was saying, I am sorry for her part. She did what she felt was best for this family but she should have come to me first because I would’ve told her it was a waste of her time. You’re twenty-one years old and while I’m sure your pussy is fresh and tight, just how my son likes it—since he is his father’s son after all—you have no future with Giovanni.”

My drink splutters out of my mouth as I take in her words. This woman has no intention of apologizing. Gio kept her from me because he knew how she felt. My only hope is to explain to her how I feel about Gio.

“Claudia, I know Cecilia is close to your family.”

“No, she is family.” Her left eyebrow quirks up, daring me to argue, and I take a sip of my tea to fill my mouth before I say something I can’t take back.

“Okay, she is family. But I love Gio and I didn’t force him to be with me. He chose to be with me and he loves me as well.”

Claudia scoffs. “Has he told you that?”


Her eyebrows furrow in shock, but she quickly recollects herself. “It doesn’t really matter. Cecilia and Giovanni were meant to be together. Stefan has been part of our family his entire life. Giovanni will one day take over for his father and he needs a strong woman by his side. My dear, you just aren’t fit to be in this life.”

“Mother!” Gio’s voice roars from behind us and we both turn to look at him. He stalks over to the table and stands next to my chair. “I made it clear you are not to speak to Aria unless you’re willing to give her a chance.” He turns to me. “Aria, please give my mother and me a few minutes. I came out here to tell you we’re flying out this afternoon. Go on up and pack, and I’ll be up in a few minutes. Make sure you pack a nice dress and heels.” Gio places a small kiss on my forehead, silently dismissing me.

Before I walk inside, I turn to Claudia. “I’m sorry if you feel I’m coming between your family. I understand I’m not who you want for your son—for your family—but I love him and until he sends me away, I’m not going anywhere.”

I walk inside, closing the doors behind me to give them their privacy and head upstairs to pack. I have no idea where Gio and I are going but maybe getting away is a good idea. I would never be disrespectful to Gio’s mom, but it hurts to have your relationship belittled by someone who isn’t part of the equation. I understand she’s his mom and therefore family, but she doesn’t understand how deep my feelings run for her son. She doesn’t get how my heart feels complete when he touches me. How, when he smiles at me, my chest tightens and the butterflies my mom used to tell me about show up, fluttering all around my belly. She isn’t there at night when we’re sleeping and Gio subconsciously reaches for me, needing to hold me close to him, needing my body against his. She doesn’t hear the conviction in his words every time he tells me he loves me.

I grab a suitcase and pack a couple outfits, including a dress and heels like Gio requested. Then I throw in some lingerie and my toiletries and my camera. By the time I’m done packing, Gio’s swinging open the door, his fingers running through his hair in frustration.

“You ready?” His voice is gruff and I stop what I’m doing.

“You want to try that again?”

He scrubs his hands over his face. “Fuck!” His fingers go back to his hair, pulling on the ends. I bridge the gap between us and, removing his fingers, bring them down, entwining our hands together.

“Hey, please calm down.” I stand on my tiptoes and give Gio a gentle kiss, my lips lingering on his but my tongue never seeking entrance. His body visibly relaxes. “Where are we going? Are we running away?” I give him a wink and he cracks a smile.

Tags: Nikki Ash Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024