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Eden High: Series 2 (Eden High 1-2)

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“Umm, I’m a little achy but not too bad.” I felt her forehead and she wasn’t hot but there was slight warmth there. She looked tousled and well rested with her hair spread out on my pillow.

“I’ll be right back, I’ve got to get your pills.” I kissed her head and left the bed.

“Oh Cassie came by earlier, she didn’t stay very long though, kind of a weird visit truth be known.”

Shit, I keep meaning to talk to that kid and putting it off. “What was so weird about it?” I came back into the room with the stuff she needed.

“I don’t know, she seemed really nervous about something, but as usual she said there was nothing wrong.”

“Don’t worry about it now, it’s time for your meds.” I sat next to her and helped her sit up.

“Oh do I have to? They make me loopy.”

“I know baby but they’re supposed to make you heal faster. So no whining because it hurts me. Be a big girl for me okay. Want some ice cream after?”

“Ooh ice cream, I don’t know if I should though. I can’t exercise for a while and I think I should watch what I eat.” She patted her tummy and looked down at herself.

“Babe seriously, a little bowl of ice cream isn’t going to hurt you. Don’t be that girl, in fact scratch that, I’m going to make sure you don’t become that girl.”

I gave her the meds and got her ice cream from downstairs, which I fed to her while she watched some mind numbing girlie shit on the TV.


“I can’t believe you lost yours without me.” Belle pouted at me and looked affronted.

“Uh, I didn’t know we were doing that.” Leave it to her to get my mind off of what troubles me.

“You know what I mean, I thought we would do it like at the same time, but it looks like you’re way ahead of me.” She was fighting to hide her stupid grin like she’s been doing for the past hour or so.

I’d told her about my little escapade with Shane the day before because hey, she’s my best friend and we’re supposed to share. And also because, after the fact, I’m just a tad bit scared about what’s going to happen to the rest of my life.

A little melodramatic no doubt, but that’s how my mind works. I think I consumed self-doubt in my mother’s milk.

After we’d done the deed and gone to the hospital to see Sian, he’d taken me home, or followed me home was more accurate.

It had only taken that long for the glow to fade and worry to set in. It felt as though I’d achieved the ultimate goal and now there was nowhere to go but down.

At least that’s how I felt. When I’d first told Belle she’d shushed me as usual and told me to stop being a ninny.

According to her, the new expert on the subject, anyone with eyes can see the way Shane looks at me. She’s convinced the feeling is mutual.

I so wanted to believe her, but deep inside I was reliving every bad after school special I’d ever seen. You know the ones, where the poor unassuming fat girl thinks she’s finally in with the ‘it’ crowd, only to find out later it was all a hoax.

“Next time you want to make a lose your virginity pact, let me in on it.”

“Well it’s too late for that, you can’t lose it twice. I guess I’m destined to be an old maid. It was good you said?”

“It was amazing.” It still made me blush even though she’d made me tell her twice already.

“You know I’m happy for you right, I’m just having a little penis envy that’s all. School’s just started and both you and Sian already lost your v-cards and I still have no prospects.”

“I’m not too sure about that.” I indicated Jared making his way towards us with a tip of my chin.

Her body language changed and she went from my over confident bestie to a twittering girlie girl.

“Oh crap, I haven’t had time to put the finishing touches on my hair, you were early this morning, shit hide me.” She tried ducking behind me, but I knew she was excited to see him. She couldn’t quite hide the blush or the smile that tugged at the corners of her lips.

“Too late, here he comes, I’ll see you in class.” I sidestepped her before she could stop me.

“Don’t you dare you...”

I kept going and landed myself in a pickle of my own.

“Hey baby.” He came out of nowhere. I didn’t know what to do with myself at his greeting. I hadn’t thought this far ahead when I worked out my little seduction scene, and now I was in unfamiliar territory.

“Hey Shane.” He gave me a puzzled look at my lukewarm response before stepping up to me. “Problem?”

“Uh, no, it’s just…” what was I supposed to say here? “I wasn’t sure how you would want us to act while we’re here.” That look flashed to something else with a whole lot of heat to it, and had my mouth going dry.

“Come again?” He shifted his bag higher on his shoulder and towered over me.

“At school, you know, with your friends and stuff around I thought…”

“Are you shitting me with this shit? How did you expect me to treat you, huh? Did you think I was going to show up here and give the boys a play by play of what we did to each other? Is that what you think of me?”

“I didn’t…I…I’m sorry Shane this is all new to me.” Oh boy was he steamed. I knew I was going to mess this up, but I didn’t know the rules to this game. I’ve never played before and quite frankly it’s the scariest thing I’ve ever done.

“Yeah I know, I was there remember? Obviously it meant more to me than it did you if you can cheapen it so easily. Shame.” And just like that he turned away from me.

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