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Eden High: Series 2 (Eden High 1-2)

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No wonder the twigs were losing their minds this morning. The outcasts had taken all the best jocks. Only in Hollyweird!


“Mom is that you, where did you go?” I snuck my head out my door as I heard her going by.

“I should be asking you that young lady, your dad and I were worried sick about you.”

I’m sure he was. I turned away so that she wouldn’t see the look of bitter distaste that crossed my face at the mention of him.

He’d made such a mess that I wasn’t sure if I’d ever be able to forgive him. After tonight though, things should go back to normal. I hope that after this my dad would’ve learned his lesson.

I’ll just keep my eyes on him from now on and make sure he didn’t do this again. “I’m going to bed now mom.” I turned into my room to escape.

“Wait, you didn’t tell me where you went.”

“Oh, nowhere in particular, I just took a little ride over to Sian’s to see how she’s doing.”

I kept my face turned away still so she couldn’t read my expression just in case she was feeling focused today.

“Oh how is she dear, better I hope?”

“Yes mom thanks, she’s doing much better.”

“You know I suddenly feel like I’ve been very neglectful.

Why we haven’t had any of your new friends over and I so want to meet them. Why don’t you plan a sleepover or something soon love, or at the very least a pool party?”

She sounded almost like her old self then, and I couldn’t keep the smile of hope from spreading across my face. “Really mom, you mean it?”

I could see that my enthusiasm pleased her. “Of course.” I hugged her harder than I had in a long time.

“Thanks mom. Mom, you seem…different, you feeling better?” She ran her hand down my hair soothingly just as the door opened downstairs.

“I think dad’s back.” My nerves were shot at just the thought of him and all that had happened. I don’t think I could hold it together if I had to look at him right now so I tried once more to make my escape.

“Yes I hear him. I think your dad is going to be home a lot more in the future. I’m feeling better so in a day or so I’ll start getting things back to the way they were, and then we’ll both make it up to you.”

That little pep in her step as she walked away reassured me that I’d done the right thing. I went into my room and closed the door just as I heard her greet dad the way she use to before.

Chapter 2


Dad called me downstairs early the next morning, and from the tone of his voice over the intercom, I knew it was serious.

“What’s up dad, where’s mom?”

“Still asleep, Sian?”

“The same, so what’s the emergency?”

“What makes you think there’s one?”

“Well, you sounded like something was wrong, so what gives?” I grabbed some eggs and the fixings for an omelet while I was there. I figured I might as well kill two birds with one stone.

Marisa wasn’t up and about as yet and besides, I wanted to take care of my girl myself.

“That business last night, that girl is in the hospital in a coma.” That certainly stopped me in my tracks and I looked over my shoulder at him.

“You’re shitting me.” I got the biggest fucking grin on my face as I closed the refrigerator door with an armload of shit to make the biggest omelet in creation.

I was suddenly ravenous myself and it wasn’t because Si had kept me up half the night with her greedy ass. I think one of her medications came with a side effect of horny.

“I’m glad I’m the one who told you, anyone else seeing that reaction might take it the wrong way.”

“Yeah, or they’ll get it right. If you’re expecting me to lose any sleep over her you’re in for a shock dad. I hope the bitch dies. So that was the gunshot we heard huh?”

“Looks like, though they’re keeping everything hush-hush. She’s been sequestered at the hospital under heavy guard. No one in or out.”

“So how did you find out?”

“I have my ways.”

I’m sure you do. So someone had shot Mandy, I can’t say that I’m surprised. I just wish I knew who so I could thank them.

What the hell did Stanley have to do with all of this though? He was at her house last night, but he couldn’t have been the one to shoot her, because I’d seen him leave before the shot rang out.


“Just one more I promise, and then we can stop.” I fielded more of her kisses while one of my hands played over the roundness of her ass.

“Baby, your shoulder, your back.” I tried to be the voice of reason but we both knew my heart wasn’t in it. In the last few days we’ve hardly left each other.

Her parents had given up trying to get her back when neither of us seemed too happy about that turn of events.

Her dad and I had had a few heart to hearts and for the first time I realized just how pissed off he was at what had happened to his daughter.

By now everyone knew that I blamed Mandy and now they also knew that somebody had blown a hole in her ass. Both he and dad tried cautioning me about my glee over her misfortune but I’ve never been an actor.

My phone beeped with a text and I picked it up from the stand to read it. It was the best news I’d had in a long time, but I couldn’t get back to them right now because she was looking down at me with lust in her eyes.

“Babe, I’m supposed to be taking care of you remember? Making sure that you’re getting better? If I hurt you your dad will drag you out of here so fast my head would spin.

“It’s fine I promise.” It’s early in the morning. She’s been home with me for a few days already and I know she’s getting better because she’s giving me trouble.

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