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Eden High: Series 2 (Eden High 1-2)

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Now that things had been set in motion I had time to reflect. There was so much that could go wrong with my plan. I had acted in haste and let my anger lead me. Something I hadn’t done since mom was a street walking trollop who left me behind at night and sometimes for days on end while she did her thing. There were a few loose ends that I hadn’t factored in.

Like Jace’s father. I didn’t think of him when I put my little plan together at the last minute. I know he would stand in front of his son. My accusation had been weak at best, but it was all I’d had time to work with at the time.

No, this won’t do. I need insurance. There has to be some way to make this stick. Why hadn’t I thought of this before calling the detectives? Oh well, better late than never.

Already a plan was forming in my head. I’m nothing if not innovative, ask the men in my little black book. I felt my body heat up as my next move formulated in my head. I couldn’t ask the nurse for this one. No, I didn’t want anything to tarnish that innocent little girl view she had of me. I needed that.

But she wasn’t the only one I’d caught in my web since being holed up here, not by a long shot. My other conquest I was sure, would be only too happy to help. After all, he did help before, and what I had planned would be way more pleasurable for him than the other had been.

I looked around my room as I plotted in my head. The good thing about a private room is the privacy and my dear old stepdad had been very generous in getting me the best. I guess mom still had it if she could get him to spring for my cushy digs. I knew he wasn’t too sure of me after that situation with his whelp, but he had no real proof. There was still room to work him if I was so inclined.

I wonder which one of us he’d prefer if I did go after him? There’s a thought. That’s for another time though, now I have to concentrate on the here and now. I checked my watch, five minutes ‘til change of shift. “Perfect.”

I fished my phone from its hiding place and headed for the added privacy of my own smaltzy little bathroom. I’d put the flowers from mom in there, right on top of the tank. It would be easy enough to nab them on her next visit and pretend like I’d been watering them or something.

I couldn’t believe the woman still didn’t know who I was. That she’d even think that her sudden show of interest in my wellbeing would sway me was a joke. She’s been so wrapped up in her new family, her new life of wealth, that she seemed to have forgotten where we both came from, and what hell she’d put me through as a young girl while she went off selling herself to the highest bidder. I couldn’t fault her though, at least she’d hooked herself a big fish in the end.

I put thoughts of her aside as I sent off my message, ‘come see me before you go’. I waited until the message was sent before deleting it. I wanted no trace of any of this. Wouldn’t want to be caught in my own web.

I checked myself over in the mirror. Mom had bought me some very nice silk gowns to replace those ghastly hospital things, ugh. I fixed my hair and studied my beauty. Who can resist me? No one. The stray thought that one person had was squashed before it had a chance to form completely. That was a mistake, and as soon as I got him back I’ll make him see.

There was no room for failure so I didn’t even let myself think of what-ifs. One day Jace Sanders will rule this town, and I am going to be the woman on his arm. That little ‘nobody’ was not going to stand in my way. I might’ve failed this time at getting her out of the way, that’s what happens when you send an idiot to do the job. Next time she won’t be so lucky, because I will be the one wielding the knife. A gunshot was too good for her. Bitch.

I took a few pain meds for what was coming and was in bed waiting when my visitor arrived. He was a like a basset hound in his eagerness to please. Pitiful!

“Lock the door lover.” He took a deep gulp of air before turning to do as I said. I planted one foot in the bed, making sure that my gown rode up high on my leg, while letting the other leg fall open wider on the floor beside the hospital bed.

“Come ‘ere, don’t be shy. I did promise to reward you remember?” He was by no means my usual fare. Late thirties would be my guess, unless poor living had aged him. But his age wasn’t my problem I’ve had older. It was the fact that I imagine he was living in sneezing distance of poverty on his minimum wage bullshit hospital job.

His eyes were glued to my leg as I reached a hand out for him. “Is your girlfriend at home waiting for you?” My pussy throbbed at his nod. There was nothing more exciting than taking someone else’s dearly beloved, except my bank account of course. I always get an extra high knowing that some poor deluded female was sitting at home waiting for her devoted significant other while he was busy laboring away between my young thighs. Yep, I was starting to juice already. I guess it’s true what they say. The brain is the biggest erogenous zone.

I gave him my best pout. “But I’m so lonely, don’t you want me?” I released the satin bow at my neck and leaned forward just enough to give him a glimpse of the tops of my tits. I knew that would do it. If he swallowed any harder he’d inhale his tongue.

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