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Eden's Sacrifice (The Virgin Call Girls)

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“These girls are there voluntarily?” I ask her to make sure I am not about to be party to something my father would kill me for. We don’t do women and children. It has been ingrained in us from birth that women are children are the innocents. They are to be protected. The precious.

“Absolutely. All the girls that take part in the auction need the money, Mr. Semenov. I protect my girls.”

“Very well. Please add my name to the list.”

“Excellent. I will send you instructions in the coming days.” We hang up and I find myself taking a deep breath. Yes. This seems like the right choice. So why am I suddenly feeling like I just fucked myself?



Waking up earlier than usual to get ready for work is more of a chore because I have to bring Katya with me since there is no one to watch her. Looking at her as I brush her hair and pick out her clothes, you would never know that the life she lives is less than what she deserves. She's such a happy, smiley little girl. That's why this auction and paying off the debt is so important. I never want to see that light taken from her eyes the way it has been mine. When she's all set and ready to go, I grab a Pop-Tart and a small carton of orange juice for her, and we're out the door.

The bus ride is interesting. I have Katya in my ear talking a mile a minute about how excited she is to see Roxy and wondering what she's going to make her for breakfast and lunch. I giggle even though my mind is not in our conversation. My stomach has been in knots all night, wondering if I can really go through with this. If I can really sell the one thing I had going for me to a complete stranger, to save my sister and me. Then I hear her sweet little voice as she points out things she sees on the street, and I know with a resounding yes that I can do this. I just hope I'm not too late.

Getting out of the bus in front of the diner, I notice what I believe is the littlest car parked on the sidewalk. Every nerve that I was trying to hold at bay is forcing itself up my throat, and if it comes up, it won't be pretty. “There are my girls,” Roxy says as we walk in. Katya immediately runs to her and hugs her. Looking around, I see Lilith sitting at the bar, and I know this is my only chance before I chicken out. Scooping up my sister, I sit her beside me with a plate of pancakes that Roxy had ready for her and turn to the one woman that can help me fix it.

“Good morning, Lilith.”

“Good morning, Eden. How are you?” she asks me in this very ominous, knowing tone.

“I really want to talk to you about your offer.” the words leave my mouth in a rush.

“Given it some consideration?” she asks, sipping her coffee.

“Let’s just say the last twenty-four hours have left me no choice. I have to do this for Katya.” her face softens for a moment as she looks over at my sister and then back at myself. I swear I see something else pass in her eyes, briefly, and then it’s gone. I watch as her back straightens, and her eyes come back to mine.

“Very well.” she hands me a card with the name of some salon in a part of town I wouldn’t bring my filth in. “You will go there in three days at one o’clock, and she will get you ready for the auction. You will be waxed, pampered and hair done for the auction. From here, you will go to a lingerie boutique where you will be fitted in pieces and photographed. I will choose the outfit for the auction and photobook. The auction is in 4 days. It is a requirement that the night before, you stay the night in the mansion with the other girls. Can’t have your nerves getting the best of you the night before causing you to give that virginity to someone else, can I?” I shake my head, not sure what else to say. Everything seems to be moving at warped speed now. “Eden. Do you have questions?”

“Well, I can’t leave Katya at home with my father. I don’t know if spending the night would be a good idea.”

“Ah. Of course. Some of my regulars have children. I have a nursery for kids that is used on the nights they have to work. So, bring your sister, and she can stay until your situation has been fulfilled, if need be.” that makes my head snap up. Fulfilled? How long should this take? I assumed it would be a few hours and done. Am I wrong?

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