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Wolf Broken (Wolfish 2)

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I’ve seen what wolf family is … and I’ve also seen how stubborn Romulus can be. If I know him at all, and I hope I do after all these months, I somehow doubt this whole story is as one sided as he’s trying to make out.

If Romulus and his brother ever once had a bond

like the brothers I now love, then there’s hope for me yet.

Rory may have made me promise to stay away from the house when the packs are moving through, but he didn’t make me promise to stay away from the other packs. The packs that won’t be here, on Romulus’ land.

It’s an oversight I’m going to have to take advantage of.

It’s a risk I’m going to have to take.

For them.

For us.



I know it’s a foolhardy plan, but it’s the only plan I’ve got.

If I sit around and wait, I already know what’s going to happen—so on the night of the next alliance meeting, I decide that it’s the perfect time for me to see if this plan that I’ve hatched will work.

In a way, this is Romulus’ fault. He’s the one that mentioned his brother was near. He’s the one that hinted his brother—the reason I can’t be turned—might reconsider his stance due to the circumstances.

Or he might not have exactly said it, but he hinted it. And that’s enough.

It’s also Romulus’ fault that he left the maps of the local pack movements out in my favorite library, just laying out there waiting for me to take a quick photo with my cell phone. All it took was one glance, and I knew, for sure, that this is what I have to do.

To say Remus is close is an understatement. Tonight his pack will be moving through the land on the opposite side of the river, so close I imagine the shifters in this house can taste the scent of his pack on their tongues already.

There won’t be another opportunity like this.

Between the constant harassment from everyone at school and my own growing sense of desperation; I make a bold move to sneak out to the open land on the other side of the river. The boys are disappearing more and more frequently from school, and with it the rumors at school are growing ever more prevalent.

Even if I hadn’t already made up my mind what had to be done, I would have by now.

There’s only so much of that a girl can take before she has no choice but to act.

It’s the first time I’ve been here alone since the day I nearly drowned in this same river. This time, I make sure to use the bridge.

I don’t really know where I’m going, only that Remus and his pack will be out here somewhere. They won’t be going to the alliance meeting, not since according to Romulus, Remus has rebuked the alliance entirely.

I’m hoping that if I just walk far enough into this open territory, that I’ll find them, or that they will find me.

The latter is more likely true.

And this is where the ‘foolhardy’ part of my plan comes into play, because I’m also hoping they don’t try to kill me before I get a chance to plead my case.

I should be more scared than I am. But I just feel … excited. My fingers turn the jade totem over in my pocket, a little token of luck. I’m going to need it.

This is the first bit of hope I’ve felt in as long as I can remember. If there’s even the smallest chance that doing this can allow me to be a part of the boys, then I have to do it.

Then it isn’t really even an option.

As cold as it is outside, my nerves are keeping me warm enough to break a sweat as I cross to the other side of the river. An immediate feeling of being watched falls over me as soon as my boots set foot on the opposite side.

This is it. Free territory.

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