Firefighter's Virgin - Page 17

“I… Well…”

“Trust me, dude, if you’re interested in a girl, you know it. Either you’re into this girl or not.”

“Fine, I’m into her, okay?”

“Good.” Kendrick nodded, taking on a professional tone. “Now that that’s established, why is she off limits?”

“She’s the younger sister of a friend of mine.”

Kendrick raised his eyebrows. “That’s it?”


“That doesn’t make her off limits.”

“Brent is…weird, and I don’t think he’d be too happy with the idea of me dating his little sister.”

“Why? Is she like…underage or something?” Kendrick asked, lowering his voice a little.

“What the fuck is wrong with you,” I said. “Of course not.”

Hey, you never know,” he said, with a shrug. “I had to check.”

“Well?” I asked impatiently. “What would you do?”

“I’d sleep with her anyway,” he said bluntly.


“Fuck, yeah,” he nodded hard. “You’re an adult, and so is she. It doesn’t matter what her brother thinks. Even if he’s not too happy with the idea, he’ll get over it. I’d just act on my instincts and give it to her good the next time I saw her.”

“I’ve only met her the one time,” I admitted.

“Once?” he repeated. “That’s it.”

“That’s it.” I nodded.

“Wow, she made quite the impression, huh?”

“We talk almost every day though,” I pointed out.

Kendrick frowned. “You talk every day, but you’ve actually seen her face to face only once?”

“Brent had a party a few weeks ago, and that’s where we met. Since then, we’ve been talking constantly over the phone when I’m done with work.”

“Geez, she might have put you in the friend zone, dude. I mean, it’s been weeks, and she’s not interested in meeting you?”

“No, that’s not the reason we haven’t met again,” I said. “In fact, I think she’d really like meeting in person. It’s just that my schedule—”

“Wait…you’re the reason?”

“Well, I’ve been busy.”

“Fuck that, make time,” Kendrick said. “I mean, you like this girl, don’t you?”


Tags: Claire Adams Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024