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Firefighter's Virgin

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So I clung to the present, trying to commit every detail to memory, just in case time moved forward and we left the safe haven of this moment behind.

Chapter Nineteen


“Brent?” My tone was cautious—and with good reason.

Things had been strained between Brent and me for the last couple of weeks. It was more awkward because of the fact that nothing major had happened. It’s not like we’d had a disagreement or anything. We bickered lightly, but it was all just teasing and joking, so I had no real explanation for the strange new strain that had crept in between us recently.

I wondered if Brent was just pretending to be okay with the fact that I was dating his sister. But I couldn’t understand the reason he would pretend at all. I had known him for a few years now, and I figured if he had a problem with anything, he was the kind of guy who’d just come right out and say it. There must have been another reason he was so sarcastic and snappy with me, but I was determined to do my best to keep our friendship, particularly because I was starting to see a real future between Megan and me.

I thought back to the day I had returned Brent’s coat and found pot in the jacket pocket. Did that have something to do with it? I knew Brent smoked up regularly, I had been with him a couple of times when he was high, but I thought it was merely recreational use. And, I also knew he smoked up maybe a couple of times a month. Lately, however, I actually thought he had cut down. Maybe that was the reason he was so moody with me…withdrawal symptoms or something like that.

“Yo,” he said, in his old tone.

“Yo,” I said, back.

“What are you doing now?” he asked.

“Uh… I was—”

“Don’t say you were going to meet my sister.”

I paused. “We don’t actually have plans, but—”

“Good,” he said, cutting me off. “Then you’re free?”

I suppressed a sigh and decided to throw the guy a bone. I figured spending some time with him might also help me figure out what his deal was. I knew he had quit his job months ago. He had mentioned starting up something on his own, but my life had been a little too hectic, and I had neglected to ask him any more questions about his business venture, as he liked to put it.

“Sure,” I replied.


“What do you have in mind?” I asked. “And please…no strip clubs.”

“Are you sure?” Brent asked. “There’s this club I know that serves a mean breakfast buffet.”

“You’re kidding?”

“Nope, good food and great entertainment all in one place.”

I shook my head. “How about we go down to the courts and shoot some hoops?” I suggested.

“Okay, I’m game,” he agreed willingly.

“I’ll meet you down at the court in twenty minutes?”

“Sure thing,” he agreed.

I went back into my room and changed into sweats and a hoodie. It had been a while since we’d played basketball, and I decided this meeting was necessary. I knew that Megan’s relationship with her parents wasn’t the easiest one and Brent was the only sibling she had, so I wanted to make the effort with her family. I would have done as much even if I hadn’t known Brent at all. In fact, it might have been easier had I not known him beforehand.

On my way out, I grabbed my phone and started texting Megan my plans for the day. “Hi, beautiful,” I wrote. “So I wanted to surprise you and show up at your doorstep with a muffin and the offer to drive you to work, but your brother called and asked to hang. Hopefully I’ll see you tonight, though?”

I had just gotten into my car when I heard a message alert. I grabbed my phone to read’s Megan’s answering message.

“You are too sweet…but I think it’s a great idea to hang out with Brent today. He’s been a bit mopey lately and I’ve been worried about him. Maybe he just needs some guy bonding or whatever…and maybe…I don’t know, you could advise him a little? He says he has this business he’s trying to start up, but he’s so shady about it, and I still don’t know what he’s really trying to do. So maybe you could ask about it? Only if you think the timing is right. Hopefully I’ll see you after I get back from work. Other than that, have a great day!”

I was about to wish her a good day back, but something stopped me. Something about that seemed too formal for our current relationship status. I realized that there was something else I wanted to say to her and the urge was banging me over the head. I didn’t analyze the desire too hard. Instead, I pulled I wrote back quickly and sent the message before I lost my nerve.

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