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Firefighter's Virgin

Page 118

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“No, it’s not…”

“Salmon and cream cheese,” I said, pointing out all the food. “Strawberries and kiwi…you’ve blown a chunk of your paycheck on this breakfast.”

“Hey, I’m not being totally altruistic. I’m planning on stuffing my face, too.”

I smiled. “You really shouldn’t have done all this.”

“I wanted to,” Megan insisted. “Now come on… what can I get you? Waffles or pancakes?”

“Why are there two plates of pancakes?” I asked.

“The pancakes on the blue plate are chocolate almond pancakes,” Megan explained. “And the ones on the white plate are potato pancakes… savory and sweet. I have maple syrup, too, by the way.”

“You are amazing,” I said, shaking my head at her.

“Making pancakes is easy…and therapeutic as it turns out.”

“Really?” I asked. “Maybe I should mix up a batch then.”

“I highly recommend it.”

We locked eyes over the table, and I felt a burn of electricity pass between us. Suddenly, my appetite disappeared, and I realized I had things I needed to say. And there was no time like the present.


“Savory?” she asked, as she tried to pass me the plate of pancakes.

“Uh, no…not right now.”

“You need to eat something before taking your pills,” she said gently.

“I will eat,” I promised her. “But I need to say something to you first.”

“Oh.” Megan nodded, and I could see from her face that she knew what I was about to bring up.

I could also tell from her expression that she was nervous…or scared…or maybe even both. A part of me was nervous, too. I had never experienced this kind of emotion before and copping to it would also be exposing myself to pain somewhere down the road, assuming things didn’t have a happy ending.

I was about to speak when Megan interrupted me. “I’m starting my courses soon,” she said, in a loud voice.

“Oh…um…that’s great,” I said, taken aback.

“Yeah.” Megan nodded. “And also, I’m moving.”

“What?” I asked, unaware that she was moving.

I felt my heart drop and I wondered if I had brought about this change. Maybe she was leaving because she was running away from me.

“Yeah.” She nodded, as she looked down. “I need a fresh start somewhere new.”

I was so in shock that I didn’t know what to say. She couldn’t be leaving… She was my best friend. What would I do without her?

“A fresh start?” I repeated. “You don’t need a fresh start.”

“I really do.” She nodded. “If I stay, I’ll be reminded of Brent all the time and I just… I don’t think I could do that.”

“Fuck him,” I said vehemently. “Don’t let him run you out of town; don’t let him win. He messed up his life, don’t give him the power to mess up yours.”

“Whoa… Wait,” Megan said. “He’s not running me out of town.”

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