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The Pimpernel Plot (TimeWars 3)

Page 41

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“I doubt that you know what it is, though,” Cobra said, grinning. “All right, Finn, I’ll play my ace. I’ll play it because I think you’ll have no choice but to fold. I’ll even accept your proposition, conditionally.”

“What’s the condition?” Lucas said

“That you follow my direction from this point on, regardless of what Fitzroy says.”

“Brother, it had better be one hell of an ace you’re going to play,” said Finn. “If you think you can undermine Fitzroy-”

“My suspect is Fitzroy,” said Cobra.

Andrew Ffoulkes and Tony Dewhurst didn’t recognize the young man who had arrived in Dover with Lucas and Percy Blakeney. Dewhurst thought that the young man looked somehow familiar, but he could not place where he had seen him. What puzzled both of them was the fact that this dark-haired, bearded young man whom neither of them knew was suddenly a member of their league, the only one besides themselves, Lucas, and Andre who was allowed to know that Percy Blakeney was the Pimpernel.

“Curious chap, that,” Ffoulkes said to Blakeney as they sat together in The Fisherman’s Rest. “Keeps to himself, all right. He hasn’t said two words to us.”

Finn nodded. “Rico is not the friendly sort, I’ll warrant. Gets along with damn few people.”

“He’s an Italian, then?” said Dewhurst.

“Neapolitano,” Finn said. “Doesn’t speak English very well, but he’s fluent in French.”

“Damn it, Percy,” Ffoulkes said, “who in God’s name is he? I thought we had agreed that we would pass on all members of the league together!”

“Steady, Andrew,” Dewhurst said. “Percy knows what he’s about.”

“No, no, it’s all right,” Finn said, placatingly. “It’s true, we did agree upon that and I apologize for not consulting with you. However, Rico is a rather special case. He is an old friend of mine. I wrote to him some time ago, asking him to come and join us.”

“Didn’t I meet him once in Naples, aboard the Day Dream?” Dewhurst said, frowning.

Finn raised his eyebrows. “Why, I think you might have, Tony. Yes, I do seem to recall your meeting briefly.”

Dewhurst nodded. “I was certain that he looked familiar. That must be it, then. Why all the mystery?”

Finn smiled. “No mystery, really. I simply wasn’t sure if he could come. I meant to discuss it with you, I suppose, but what with one thing and another, it must have slipped my mind.”

Dewhurst and Ffoulkes both looked at Rico, who was sitting at a corner table by himself, smoking a pipe.

“What’s so special about him, then?” said Ffoulkes.

“He’s to be our main agent in Paris,” said Finn. “Knows the city well, spent a good part of his childhood there. I wanted to have someone who was not known to be associated with us to keep in close contact with St. Just. In fact, the less we’re seen together with him, the better. That’s why I’ve arranged for separate passage for him to Calais.”

“None of the others knows him, then?” said Dewhurst.

“No, that’s how I wanted it,” said Finn. “The French government is furious with us, you know. They’ve set their spies to watching everyone. I expect they’ll be nosing about in London soon, if they’re not there already. We must take all steps possible to protect ourselves and St. Just, in particular, especially since Marguerite wants me to bring him over for a visit. He’ll be seen with all of us at Richmond and I can’t chance his being seen with any of our group when he returns to Paris.”

“You really believe that the Frenchies will set their dogs on us in London?” Ffoulkes said.

“I have no doubt of it,” said Finn. “Pitt says that they’ll be sending an accredited representative to England. You can be sure that he will be a spy.”

“Well, we’ll be sure to tweak his nose for him,” said Ffoulkes, grinning widely.

“You will do no such thing,” Finn said. “When this representative arrives, I expect you to treat him with all due respect, regardless of your feelings. Don’t make the mistake of thinking you’ll be safe in England. Don’t underestimate the French. A good card player never gives away his hand, Andrew. The French won’t send a fool.” He got up from the table. “I’ll be upstairs. Let me know when Briggs arrives.”

He went up the stairs and, a moment later, Rico followed after him.

“Grim-looking fellow,” Dewhurst said.

“When was it that you met him?” Ffoulkes said, watching Rico ascend the stairs.

“I can’t recall, exactly. We must not have spoken long, otherwise I’m sure I would remember.”

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