Rock Star Billionaire - Page 162

"I want to see you again, soon," Cam said as he stood at the door giving me a look that said he definitely didn't want to leave.

"Then you shall," I smiled. "Call me when you get off work tomorrow and we'll see if we can't arrange something."

"I don't want to go," he said pulling me to him for one more kiss.

"All right, I'll be the adult here, I guess," I laughed. "You need to go to work and I need to go to class! So, go!"

He laughed as he stole another kiss, and then headed out the door to his truck. I closed the door and stood leaning against it with my arms wrapped around myself for a few minutes before I shook my head and went to take a shower.

In the shower, I fantasized about what Cam would look like wet and naked, and how his large, strong hands would feel on my slippery, wet skin. It drove me to the edge of distraction as I slipped my hand between my legs and stroked myself to another orgasm. It was official: Cam Connor had reignited my sex drive. I laughed out loud as I thought about how happy Liz would be to hear this good news.

Several hours later, on the way to class, Liz peppered me with questions about the date and everything that had happened afterwards. I laughed as I told her that her gift had come in handy, and she'd demanded a high five.

"I told you it would be a good thing for you," she said with a knowing grin. A few seconds later, Liz tripped and went sprawling onto the sidewalk.

"Liz!" I cried as I rushed to her side to help her up.

"Oh my God, you don't even know how to walk, do you?" Violet said as she passed us on the campus sidewalk. She was alone today, her sidekicks elsewhere as she made her way through the snow to class.

"Shut up, Metzler," Liz muttered as she brushed the snow from herself and stood up slowly. I could see that she'd cut the palms of her hands as she'd fallen on the concrete, so I brushed them off and offered her a tissue to wipe away the blood.

"Articulate this morning, too," Violet said rolling her eyes. Then with a mean grin, added, "Maybe you should rethink following in the footsteps of your family, Baker."

"You bitch!" Liz hissed as she moved toward Violet. I grabbed her arm and stopped her from getting too close.

"Violet, move on," I said waving my hand as if shooing away a bad dog. "Go on!"

Laughing loudly, Violet turned and strutted down the sidewalk on her way to class. I turned and looked at Liz and found her standing with her bleeding palms up tears running down her cheeks.

"Liz! Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?" I asked, worried that something was terribly wrong.

"That bitch is too mean to live," Liz sniffed as she wiped her nose with the bloody tissue. I handed her another one and she gratefully accepted it. "I hate Violet Metzler."

"I know, darling," I said. "We all do."

Liz flashed me a grateful grin as I motioned to her that we needed to get to class, but I wondered why Violet had chosen to go for the throat this time. I knew she and Liz didn't like each other, but to aim so low and invoke Liz's troubled family was low even by Violet's standards.

"Liz," I wondered out loud. "Have you done anything to really piss Violet off lately?"

"You mean besides simply being alive?" Liz asked with a grimace. "Not that I can think of."

"Hmmm, I wonder why she's being so mean," I said.

"No idea," Liz shrugged. "She seems to have just been born that way."

"No one is inherently evil," I scolded gently.

"Don't bet on that," Liz said as she pulled open the door to the building and wincing as her hand made contact with the metal door handle. "You haven't met most of my family."

We stopped in the bathroom to clean up Liz's hand before we took the practice exam. She'd ripped off several layers of skin when she'd fallen, and I did my best to clean it up without hurting her, but she inhaled sharply as I applied soap and gently scrubbed away the dirt and debris.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, fine. It just stings," she said biting her lip as she ran her hands under the faucet to wash away the soap.

We were late for class and received a stern look from Professor Jackson as we grabbed our exams and sat down. I tried hard to focus on the exam, but the whole time I was answering questions, a part of my brain was back at my apartment with Cam feeling all of the wonderful ways in which his touch made my body come alive. Half way through the exam, Liz elbowed me and then pointed to the papers on my desk. Having a crush on Cam Connor was not going to be good for my grades.

"What the hell was going on in there?" Liz demanded as we gathered our things and got ready to head to the lab.

Tags: Claire Adams Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024