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Rock Star Billionaire

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"Victor?" I said quietly. "If you blame Cam for the mistakes you've made and then kill him for them, then you won't be free. You won't get retribution or any satisfaction from the revenge fantasy you've cooked up. All you'll get is life in prison for murdering innocent people and destroying the homes and lives of every person who lives in this building."

"I hate him!" Victor sobbed. "He has everything and I have nothing!"

"But is that Cam's fault?" I asked as I inched closer to the door keeping my eye on the gun. I could tell that Victor had lost focus as he cried and I knew that if I could grab the gun, I might be able to turn the tables on him. It was a big if, but it seemed like a chance with odds I could take.

As I crawled along the far wall, I listened carefully. Victor seemed to be in the throes of a breakdown, but I didn't trust that this would last. He was obviously mentally unstable and as a result, was also unpredictable. And yet, I could feel his pain as he cried and cursed Cam for all that he was feeling.

Suddenly, on the other side of the door, I heard a loud bang and then saw Victor pull the gun out of the crack between the door and the frame. I heard a loud thud and then two voices shouting in the hallway. I stayed crouched in the space between the wall and the doorframe as the gun went off. I heard another thud, and then a voice broke the silence that followed.

"He's dead, but I'm going to burn this fucking building to the ground anyway," Victor said quietly. His voice sent a chill up my spine.

"Don't do it! Don't do it!" Liz screamed in the living room. I knew I had one chance to stop this deadly plan and, that either way, I had a pretty good chance of dying. I decided it was better to have it over with quickly rather than having to suffer. So, I yanked open the door and ran down the hallway to the living room where Victor stood poised with a lighter in one hand and the gun in the other. I raced toward him with my eye on the lighter aiming to knock it out of his hand before he could flick the flame to life.

Half way there, I heard a loud crack as the balcony door shattered and Victor slumped to the ground. Bewildered, I looked around trying to figure out what had just happened. Victor rose up with the gun in his hand and pointed it at me. I screamed as the second shot hit him and he fell over dropping the gun to the floor. I kicked it out of the way and ran to Liz who was crying hysterically in a pool of shattered glass. She'd been cut, but as I untied the ropes that bound her, I quickly assessed that none of the wounds were life threatening.

"He shot him!" she cried as she pointed to the kitchen. I ran around to the entry and saw Cam lying in a pool of blood on the tile floor. He wasn't moving. I dropped to my knees and searched for a pulse, and then lifted him up to find that the bullet had gone into his abdomen. I searched the kitchen drawers and found a handful of dishtowels that I used to staunch the flow of blood.

"Liz, get help! Go get help!" I shouted as I pressed the towels to the wound.

"They're already here," she replied weakly as a team of police officers slammed open the door and rushed inside the apartment with their guns drawn.

"Don't shoot! Don't shoot!" Liz screamed as they aimed their guns at her. "He's over there!"

They quickly assessed the scene and called in the paramedics. Cam was loaded onto a stretcher and taken down to the ambulance, which drove off in a blaze of sirens and flashing lights. A second set of paramedics loaded Victor onto a stretcher as Liz and I were taken down to the second ambulance. Meanwhile, the police secured the apartment and began their investigation.

"We're going to take you to the hospital to get checked out," the paramedic said. She helped Liz and I up into the ambulance before closing the doors and taking off for the hospital.

I held Liz's hand the whole ride to the hospital wondering if Cam was still alive. Suddenly the fact that he'd paid my rent and tuition didn't seem like something worth being mad about.



"Oh shit," I groaned as I rose up through the layers of drug-induced sleep and began to feel the pain. "Fuck that hurts!"

"Shh, shh, lay still," a voice said as someone moved around the room. I couldn't tell who it was because my eyes felt like they were glued shut and it took an enormous amount of effort to crack them open. When I did, everything was fuzzy, but I could feel a hand holding mine.

"What the hell happened?" I mumbled through cracked dry lips.

"You were shot," the voice said.

"How long have I been out?" I asked as I tried again to open my eyes and focus on my surroundings. "Where am I?"

"You're in Chicago General in the ICU," the voice replied. "You've been out for two days and we were beginning to really worry."

"Eh, I'm fine," I said as I struggled to try and move my arms. I wanted to sit up. I wanted to open my eyes and see what was going on around me. I wanted to know whose voice that was.

"No, no, no," the voice said gently holding my shoulder to the mattress. "You are not in any shape to be getting up, Mr. Connor."

"Alex, I need to find Alex," I said suddenly remembering the events that had led to this point. "Where is Alex?"

"I'm right here, Cam," Alex whispered in my ear as she squeezed my hand. I opened my eyes and focused them on the face next to me. Her blue eyes were bright with tears as she gripped my hand more tightly and smiled. "I'm right here."

"Oh, thank God, you're okay," I sighed as I felt the pain in my side begin to throb intensely.

I groaned as Alex tucked the button that released pain medication in my other hand and said, "Press it when you're in pain, it'll ease it."

I pressed the button and a few minutes later, I felt the pain begin to ease as I fell back into a groggy, half-wakeful state. I could feel Alex's hand tucked in mine as I drifted back to sleep.

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