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525 Cherry Blossom Ln. (Cherry Falls Romance)

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Sure, it was raunchy, dirty, hot as hell sex, and maybe the sweetest, tightest pussy I’ve ever tasted in my life. It was great, better than great really, but it was still just sex. Okay, again, it was the best sex of my life. It was so good that I haven’t had a taste for a woman since. Which means her attitude sucks ass, because I wanted more of her. Hell, I still want more of her.

I mean, I can handle sass in a woman. I even enjoy it. I can’t take a mouthful of shit off of her for no reason, however. That’s not what I want, no matter how hot her ass is. I sigh with that thought. It doesn’t even matter that she comes apart in my arms and is so fucking sweet that my balls still ache a month later.

Fucking hell.

“Hey Linc!”

I look up to see Deke Littleton walking towards me. He’s a deputy with the Cherry Falls police. I nod as he sits down at the bar in front of me. I’m working the outside bar of the Reef Beach Bar tonight. I usually work the inside, but I love the outside more. Daphne, the owner, gave me a break tonight, and I’m grateful. There’s just something about the salt air that brings me peace.

“Hey Deke. Are you lost? You’re not a face I normally see here. What can I get you?”

“Just a tonic water,” he says. “I just got off work and was looking for Jodie. I hear she likes to come to the beach on her days off.”

Fuck. He has a thing for Jodie? This woman is going to haunt me, I can tell. I mean, Deke seems like a good guy, but totally fucking opposite of me. He’s always in uniform…always. I wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t sleep in it. If Deke is Jodie’s usual type of man, why in the hell did she go slumming with me?

“Jodie Jones?” I don’t know why I ask. I guess I’m hoping that it’s a different Jodie, although the odds of that are probably slim.

“Yeah,” he confirms. “I’ve been trying to get her to go out with me for over a month now.”

Over a month. That means she’s had Mr. Straightlaced on the line, sniffing at her and she still slept with me. That’s interesting. Damn interesting.

“Yikes, man. That smells of chasing a woman,” I tell him laughing it off and wondering why the thought of him dating Jodie should irritate me so damn much.

“Probably, but Jodie is worth it, man. She’s special. She’s a good girl.”

“A good girl?” I ask. The Jodie I remembered was bad, very fucking bad. So fucking bad that I dream about her at night, remembering just how dirty she could get—how much she begged for more of everything I gave her.

Son of a bitch, I’m in the middle of working, wearing my swim trunks and a white t-shirt and I’m sporting a damn woody over a girl that I’ve written off.

“Yeah, the kind you don’t mind bringing home to your parents,” he says, as I bend down, pretending to do something under the bar. I don’t want Deke to see me roll my eyes. I haven’t seen my parents in years, but even if I had, that’d be the last reason I’d be interested in a girl. Fuck, he is older than me. I’d say he is at least mid-thirties. If he’s still worried about what his parents say about a woman he fucks, then no wonder he’s still single. I straighten back up to smile at a sexy blonde coming up to the bar, her tits way bigger than the tiny strips of fabric she’s wearing to try and contain them. Her hips flair out. She has curves in all the right places…

“What would you like, sweetheart?” I ask giving her a lazy smile.

“Do you know how to make a Dirty Monkey?” she asks, with a naughty little grin.

“Baby, I know how to make everything dirty,” I joke, making her give a sexy giggle, that I should love, but have to admit is a little annoying.

“I don’t suppose you’ve seen Jodie around here lately?” Deke asks, ruining the moment between me and the chick.

“Nah man, not in a month or so,” I tell him, fixing the drink.

Not in a month, two days and some very long hours.


“I guess I’ll head out then. I hear she likes to hang out by Wildflower Falls some. Later, Linc,” he says, annoying the piss out of me.

“Later, Deke,” I answer. I’m so irritated that I spend the rest of my shift wondering what in the hell is going on with me. I really think I must be losing it. I didn’t even take the invitation in the blonde’s eyes.

When I get off work, I go straight to my place. I just need to decompress and get my head on straight. When I open the door to my apartment, my nose curls. When even I notice the filth, that means it’s bad.

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