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525 Cherry Blossom Ln. (Cherry Falls Romance)

Page 21

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“Well, yeah, but that’s not because of you, Linc. That’s because of them. I love my parents, but they can definitely be… difficult.”

“So, you’re not ashamed that you slept with me?”

“Well, I mean, I’m ashamed everyone in town knows it,” she qualifies.

“Gee thanks,” I sigh.

“But I’d be that way if it was anyone else I slept with, even Deke Littleton—no scratch that—especially if it was Deke Littleton.”

“I don’t think that’s going to be a problem anymore,” I mutter.

“Why? Because you punched him? Or because he doesn’t want me anymore because I’m an over-emotional non-virgin?”

“Because from now on, or I suppose, just because, I’m the only man you’re ever going to sleep with.”


“Can you come inside, Jodie?”

“No. I’m confused as to why it’s okay for you to sleep with groundhogs—”


“Whatever!” she mutters. “How come it’s okay for you to sleep with them and me, but I can only sleep with you?”

“Christ, you just said you wanted me, Jodie.”

“And I do! But if you can sleep with other women, then I should be able to sleep with other men,” she reasons.

“And you could live with that?”

“I don’t know, but you keep sending me flowers and chocolate and I know I’m not going to be able to resist you forever, cause I really want to give in already. I don’t have experience at this kind of thing, but I think you’re probably really good at sex, Linc.”

I do laugh then, and I do it while picking her up and carrying her inside—mostly because my neighbors are all listening to Jodie, and I’ve had enough of providing them entertainment.

“What are you doing?” she cries.

“I’m taking you inside and then I’m going to strip you down and remind you of how good in bed I really am.”

“Oh, okay,” she says, sounding perfectly calm.

I kick the door closed behind us, shaking my head, wondering if I’m ever going to figure out Jodie Jones, and I’m pretty sure the answer is no.



“Wow,” she whispers.

“What?” I ask, looking down at her.

“It doesn’t even look like the same place,” she says as she takes in my apartment. I stop and look around.

“I wanted to show you I was worth a second chance,” I tell her, studying her face.

“By cleaning your apartment?” she asks, reaching up to slide her fingers through my hair.

“By showing you I’m not just a giant kid. I’m the man you met that first night, Jodie. I may not have realized you were a woman searching for forever and I’m going to be honest with you here and it might hurt a little…”

“Okay,” she whispers, her body tightening slightly in my arms.

“If I had known you were that kind of woman, I may have avoided you.”

“Oh,” she says softly, and fuck me I can hear the hurt in her voice.

“Not because I didn’t want you, but because I just didn’t see myself ready to settle down.”

“I understand,” she says, avoiding my eyes.

I reach down and put my fingers under her chin and pull her gaze back to me. “The thing is, Jodie, that despite what it might have looked like, I knew even then you were special.”

“Linc, you don’t have to say that. It’s okay, honest.”

“It’s the truth. I missed you. I changed after that night. I haven’t touched another woman since I had you, Jodie. I don’t want anyone else. I haven’t even looked at anyone else.”


“I wouldn’t change that either, Jodie. You have to know that. Right here with you in my arms is where I want to be.”

“I like your apartment, Linc,” she says, blushing.

“You haven’t seen the best part yet.” I grin at her and she bites down on her bottom lip and watches me closely.

“What’s the best part?” she asks.

“The new bed,” I answer, as I take her into the newly partitioned off “room”.

“You made a bedroom,” she laughs, as I stand her back on the floor. We face one another, and I love the happiness I see on her face.

“I wanted you on a real bed, Jodie—on my bed.”

“You did?”

“God, yes.”

“Well, I’m here… What now?”

“Undress for me, Jodie.”

She licks her lips and I swear I think I can see her heart beating against her chest. Her nervousness fills the air around us.

“It’s been a long time…” she says.

“Too damn long,” I admit. “You’re safe with me, Jodie. You give me time and I’ll prove that to you.”

“It’s not that. I feel safe… I’m just… nervous.”

“How about we take turns?” I suggest, kissing her lightly on the lips, unable to keep from it.

“Take turns?”

“You take one item off and I’ll take one off.”

“Oh… Okay, I think I can do that,” she says. “But uh…Can you go first?”

I take a half step away from her and kick off my flip flops. She nods and does the same, making me grin. I unbutton my pants and stare at her. She does the same. We continue our little game until we’re standing in front of each other and she’s in her underwear and I’m in my boxers.

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