The Mountain Man's Baby Bears (Stormy Mountain Bears 2)
Page 36
“What was what?”
“I saw Meg Darling slip you a card. What was it?”
“Em, no offense, but that’s not really any of your business.”
She frowns, furrowing her brow, and I get the feeling that Em is not exactly used to being told no. That’s probably what makes her an effective assistant, but it’s definitely not something that makes her any fun.
“I think it is.”
“Drop it.”
Em sighs and shakes her head.
“Terri – Theresa – I just want what’s best for you.”
“Cool, thanks,” I say, looking around the room. I really, really don’t want to fire her here, but if she keeps pushing me, I’m definitely going to lose my cool. I wish she’d read my body language and just leave, but of course, that would be too easy.
“Listen, there are some people I want you to talk to.”
“That’s great, and I appreciate you, Em, but I’m enjoying myself right now, and I don’t want to go to any interviews this evening.”
I already told her I wasn’t doing any interviews. This shouldn’t come as a surprise.
“But I promised them you would.”
“Why would you do that?” I made it clear that tonight wasn’t going to be an evening of interviews.” She’s lucky I even showed up.
“Hey, I don’t know if you’ve forgotten who I am, but when your manager lines up an interview, you go to it.” Em snaps, and I sigh. I really didn’t want to do this tonight, but apparently, I don’t have a choice. I set down my cocktail glass on a nearby table, and I turn to her. Her eyes pale as she looks at me.
“Em, this isn’t working.”
“What? What are you saying?”
“Consider this the end of our professional relationship. Send me an invoice for outstanding debts tomorrow and I’ll pay them promptly. Then do me a favor and never speak to me again.”
“What? Why?” Her voice comes out shrill and whiny, and I realize that she’s on the verge of making a scene.
Somehow, I just can’t bring myself to care.
“For starters, you’re not my manager. You’re my personal assistant. You’re not doing a lot of assisting, Em. You’re doing a lot of bossing around, and I’m very tired of it. I don’t want to be your doll author. You don’t get to decide what’s best for my career. I do. Now please, leave.”
She looks like she’s about to scream, but then she spots something behind me and I don’t know how it’s possible, but she gets even paler.
I turn around to see what she’s looking at, and now it’s my turn to be shocked.
Heath is standing there. He’s come to see me. Only, he’s not staring at me. Nope. He’s looking right at Em, and he doesn’t seem happy.
“Fuck,” Em whispers.
Heath comes over and stands next to me, but he doesn’t greet me yet.
“Emily, I’m surprised to see you here,” he says.
And that’s when it hits me. He’s talked about an Emily from his past, but this? This is her?
“You’re the one who cheated on him,” I say, turning back to her.