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Chasing Whiskey

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I’m not the type of guy who moves into relationships easily. Maybe it’s because my parents were so in love when I was little and I always wanted that, too. Maybe it’s because after my dad died, my mom was broken. Maybe it’s because there’s a little part of me that’s always hoped one day, I’d find someone who made my heart sing.

No matter where I’ve gone in life, I’ve never met someone who made me feel totally, completely, and utterly alive.

Then I met Oriana.

And now I’m kissing her.

Nothing in my life has felt as right as this moment feels. Nothing has felt as pure or as wonderful or as magical as kissing her does.

“Happy New Year,” she murmurs back, but she doesn’t stop kissing me. She just whispers the words against my lips, and then she pulls me closer. Oriana’s shirt is soaked and now mine is, too, but I don’t give a shit. The only thing that matters right now is that she’s here, in my arms, and I’ve never felt anything so right before.

The door behind us bursts open and Audrey comes rushing in. She ignores the fact that we’re kissing.

“Are you okay?” She asks Oriana. “That guy was a dick.”

Oriana pulls away and smiles at Audrey. She doesn’t seem embarrassed that Audrey caught us, and I like that. I like that she’s not embarrassed or shy or nervous, at least not about this.

“I’m okay,” she says.

“Well, sure, now you are,” Audrey jerks her head toward me. “Now that Boss Man has cheered you up. Do you want something to wear?” She asks, ignoring me and turning toward the duffel bag she leaves in the corner. Audrey has had stuff spilled on her before, so she always keeps extra clothes at work. “Here, this should fit you.” She hands Oriana a plain black shirt.

“Thanks,” Oriana says, taking the shirt. “I really appreciate it.”

“You have one of those for me?” I ask, motioning toward my own wet shirt. Audrey rolls her eyes and just laughs.

“You should have thought about that before you started kissing your buddy there,” she says. Then Audrey leaves, closing the door behind her, and it’s just Oriana and me.

“I’ll step outside so you can change,” I tell her, turning to move.

“Wait,” Oriana grabs my arm, and I stop.

“What is it?”

“You don’t have to leave,” she whispers, wrapping her arms around me, and then she kisses me again. This time, it’s not an exploratory kiss. It’s not gentle or quiet or new. This time, things are a little more serious, and she kisses me deeply. She kisses me like she can’t get enough of it.

She kisses me like this is the most important thing she’s ever done.

I like kissing. I’m good at it and it

makes me feel relaxed and content, but kissing Oriana is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before. Kissing her is like fire and ice all wrapped up in one incredible package. It’s like my heart is burning and my soul is freezing and the only thing that’s going to help is to keep kissing her over and over and over.

Then she stops, pulling away. For a second, I think the kiss is over, but Oriana simply pulls up her shirt. Her heavy breasts bounce as she tosses the wet shirt aside. She’s wearing a red lace bra, but I can see her nipples poking through. I was already hard from kissing her, but now my dick is completely insatiable.

There’ll be no coming back from this, I realize.

If I thought we could be just friends after this, well, we can’t. There’s absolutely no fucking chance I’m going to let Oriana go. Not now.

“You’re beautiful,” I manage to say. My voice comes out husky.

“I could say the same thing about you,” she says. “Don’t you think you should take off your shirt, too?”

“Why?” I whisper.

“Because it’s wet.”

“It’s okay.”

“Maybe I’m embarrassed being the only one without a shirt on,” she says, and I rip my top off and throw it on the ground. She wants to see me without my shirt on? Well, she’s going to fucking see me without my shirt on. No problem. She doesn’t have to ask me twice.

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