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The Roleplayers

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Copyright © 2014 by Sophie Stern

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

Kayla leads a relatively ordinary life.

She has a good job, good friends, and a good family.

But when bad-boy Bruce introduces her to a world of roleplaying, costumes, and exploration, she can’t say no.

It’s been a gripping few days since they first enjoyed a night of adventure together and now Kayla is ready to try something new.

She’s ready to become a Roleplayer.

For real.

This time, instead of enjoying Bruce solo, she enlists the help of her best friend, Anne, who is secretly much kinkier than Kayla ever thought possible.

But is their friendship strong enough to share even this?

Find out in Teaching Jupiter.

**This is an erotic romance story and is intended for an 18+ audience.**


“You slept with Bruce!” Anne said it louder than Kayla would have liked, considering they were in the middle of a coffee shop during the busiest time of day.

“Well,” Kayla shrugged, offering a half-smile to her best friend. “I wouldn’t say we slept together, but we definitely fucked.”

A middle-aged businessman glanced up from his newspaper, but said nothing.

“What was it like?” Anne asked as they made their way to the line. It wrapped almost completely around the coffee shop. So much for being in and out this morning.

“It was fun,” Kayla said before realizing how childish and inexperienced that sounded. “Fun”? Was that really the world she would choose to describe screwing a guy who was dressed up in a mummy costume? “Fun”? Seriously?

“Tell me everything,” Anne insisted. She had known Bruce for years, but had never slept with him. That said, she knew about his weird little fetish and was the one who suggested Kayla “try him out” as a way to relieve some of her work-related stress.

“When we leave,” Kayla told her friend. “I don’t think this guy could handle the story,” she jerked her head toward a gawky teenager standing behind her. The guy frowned, as if to say, I could, too!

“Fair enough.”

They ordered their drinks and waited in silence for the barista to prepare them. Kayla’s head was swimming as she collected her cup and headed outside to sit with Anne in the crisp morning air. The night before had been incredible. Most importantly, all of the details were still fresh in her mind.

She was ready to share.

And she was ready to share everything.

As she poured out her experiences while enjoying her white chocolate mocha, Kayla couldn't help but reflect on how she felt about the entire experience. Bruce had pushed her limits. He had encouraged her to move past her limited ideas of what sex could be. He had, on many levels, tried to help her grow.

And she felt more open, more awake, and more alive than she had in a very long time.

"Wow," Anne said simply when Kayla finished describing the events of the night before. "That's intense." Kayla thought she detected a slight hint of jealousy in her friend's voice, but that could have just been her imagination. Chances were that Anne was simply happy for Kayla.

"So now that you've heard," Kayla asked, watching Anne carefully, "Would you ever want to fuck Bruce yourself?"

"Absolutely," Anne said without hesitation. Kayla was almost surprised, but not quite. Anne was a fairly promiscuous girl, though Kayla never minded. Anne liked sex with lots of different people and she wasn't afraid to say so. She loved to explore, she loved to try new things, and most of all, she loved to try new people.

Why should Bruce be any different?

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