Harvest Moon (Beaux Rêve Coven 4) - Page 15

“Can’t. You can’t do that,” she said, rocking her head side to side, panting now with excitement. When he pressed on either side of her opening and thrust his tongue inside her, she arched, crying out. “You can’t.”

“I can, sweetheart. I am,” he said, kissing between her buttocks then licking her there again, moisture gathering, lubricating the long finger he thrust into her hole. With fingers filling her above and below, she felt as though her head would explode.

He raised his head. “Nikon!”

She heard a door open and froze. Nikon strode inside, still naked, his cock fully engorged. She turned her head to stare at him as he approached. “You were out there?”

“Watching,” he said, tilted his head toward the mirror on one wall. “He looked angry when he brought you in here. I was only making sure he wasn’t too rough.”

“Why is he here now?” she asked, turning back to Ali, knowing this was a strange time to have a con

versation with his fingers thrusting above and slowly stretching her below.

“Because he loves you,” Ali said, glancing up at Nikon.

Radha gasped.

Nikon drew a deep breath then gave a nod before dropping his gaze to the floor.

“And today…” Ali said, drawing her attention away from the horse-man’s large cock, “you began to wonder what having both of us would be like. Didn’t you?”

She opened her mouth to deny it, but she couldn’t lie. Even if it destroyed her pride. “Yes.”

Nikon glanced at her.

She felt pinned by both their gazes. “Okay, I’ve thought about it. After I met you in your dream,” she said to Nikon. “You showed me things I never imagined possible. Never conceived of actually enjoying. And you were funny and…sexy.”

His mouth stretched slowly, and he gave his cock a stroke with his large hand.

“But that doesn’t mean I should have you both.”

Ali pressed a kiss against her clit, withdrew his fingers, and then stood. “We’ll return home. Eat dinner. You need to think on what this might mean.”

“You’re stopping? Now?” she said, her voice rising.

Both men laughed and shared charged glances, as though they’d instantly entered a pact to drive her crazy.

She lowered her legs and pushed down her skirt and shirt.

Nikon stepped forward to offer his hand, but she batted it away because the only thing of his she wanted to touch was the cock leaking fluid from its eyelet hole.

Her pussy still pulsed, and her asshole was hot. When she walked toward the door, she could feel her swollen labia between her legs.

“Your apron,” Nikon growled and came up behind her. He held it in front of her, and she put her arms through the holes and remained still while he tied it closed in back. Before he drew away, he smoothed both of his large palms over her bottom and gave her a squeeze.

With her face burning, she stepped into the hallway.

Renner and Ethan were standing farther down the hallway in front of the entrance’s glass doors. Both their gazes narrowed on her face, studying her expression, before landing on the males behind her.

“We’re sending more guards,” Ethan said to Ali. “Until your friend arrives…” His gaze landed on Radha, “and we confront whatever this thing is haunting you, you’re to remain inside with both your guards.”

Her face flamed, because she knew he knew what was happening among them.

“Um,” she began, but couldn’t push words past her dry throat.

His mouth twitched. “I’ll have meals delivered from the inn.”

She gave a nod and turned toward the doors, ready to rush out and hide for a month until her cheeks stopped burning. Which might be never. When a dark SUV pulled up in front of her, she flipped up the handle of the passenger seat in front and climbed inside.

Tags: Delilah Devlin Beaux Rêve Coven Fantasy
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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