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Daddy Dom and the Virgin

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Chapter Eighteen


I did it.

I finally fucking did it.


finally faced my fear and found an incredible man who is not only sexy and handsome, but who is sweet and kind and who really, really loves cats.

Part of me is shocked that Aaron wasn’t upset with me. I do feel bad for keeping my secret from him. Giving up my virginity was probably something we should have talked about, like, a lot before everything happened between us.

We definitely should have discussed what we wanted, and what we didn’t, and what we were hoping to get, but somehow, Aaron managed to make the night entirely perfect without even knowing just how much it meant to me.

When we walk out of the club, I ignore the people looking at me. No one is judging me here, or glaring at me, or giving me dirty looks, but they’re curious. I’m sure it has to do with the fact that my dress is completely wrinkled and my makeup is smeared. My hair’s a mess, too, but I don’t care about any of that because I’m happy.

Right now, I’m just so, so happy.

We pass my friends on our way to the door.

“Somebody had fun,” Tabitha smiles, turning to me. She’s standing with Dax, Hank, Taylor, Fiona, and Belinda. There are a couple of other people, too: Natasha, Jeffrey, and several Doms I don’t know.

“That would be me,” I say with a laugh.

“I hope you treated her well,” Taylor says, turning to Aaron, but he says it in a way that’s good-natured and kind. They know he treated me well. Any good Dom would.

“I believe my little can answer that for herself,” Aaron looks at me. He rests his arm around my waist, and tugs me close to his side. Then he lifts my chin with his hand. “What do you say, princess? Did you have fun?”

“Yes,” I squeak out, blushing. Everyone giggles and laughs.

“Good,” Belinda says. “You deserve it.”

“For sure,” Dax says. “Get it.”

“What are you all up to?” I ask, looking at my friends. “Are you going to watch any scenes?”

“Jeffrey and I are about to do a demonstration on pet play,” Natasha says. “Aren’t we, darling?” She rubs her fingers under Jeffrey’s chin, and he wiggles his entire body, smiling.

“Yes, Mistress.”

“We should go get ready,” she says. She squeezes my arm gently as she walks past me, and she gives me a look that says she knows more than I’m saying, and that she’s happy for me. That’s a good feeling.

Everything about tonight is a good feeling.

“Do you want to watch the scene with us?” Fiona asks. “Or are you two done playing for the night?”

I look up at Aaron. He’s the Dom. I’ll let this be his call. Honestly, tonight has been so much fun, and so very wonderful. Whether he wants to grab a drink, go get some food, go home and snuggle, or yeah, sit together with my friends and watch the scene, I’ll be happy.

A feeling of contentedness washes over me as I realize that I finally did it. I finally took a chance. I stopped hiding and just went for what I wanted, and it’s a really wonderful feeling to know that no matter what happens next, I’ve got a wonderful person by my side.

“Let’s watch the scene,” he says. “I’d be interested in learning about puppy play.”

“You don’t limit yourself to just DD/lg?” Belinda asks.

“That means Daddy Dom and little girl,” Fiona whispers to Dax.

“I know what it means!” He hisses, rolling his eyes. “Damnit. Why don’t any of you think I know about sex?”

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