Spitfire in Love (Chasing Red 3) - Page 40

He smiled warmly, nodded. “Same thing when you were tying your shoes, picking out your outfit. You wanted to do it all by yourself. Those moments made me realize how strong and independent you are. It’s very hard for a parent to step back, watch his kid struggle. But I’d learned that protecting you too much wasn’t doing you any good.”

He looked down for a moment. “One day,” he continued, “I’ll be gone, and I want you to be strong when that time comes. Before that happens, you have to learn how to handle pain. When you’re sick, when you’re sad, when people hurt you. If it hurts you, it hurts me more. How can it not? You’re my life.”

“Dad.” I sniffled. I couldn’t bear the thought of him gone.

“When your ma left, I was terrified. How the hell was I going to do this alone? I know I’m not perfect. And I’m lacking so many things. But then I look at you. And I know I did something good on this earth. And that’s all I need. That’s all I need, my baby girl.”

I stayed with my dad for another half hour after that, trying not to cry, sipping on my honey lemon tea, watching TV. When I collapsed in bed, my body was exhausted, but my mind was buzzing with everything that had happened that day.

Everyone was trying to control someone’s life in some way. It didn’t matter whether they had good intentions or bad.

Andrew, the joke of the jungle, trying to suck the life out of everything as usual.

Mrs. B’s depressive state and her need to control Tala’s life.

Tala’s helplessness and anguish. She might move away soon. She was going to leave me. I tried not to think about that.

And last but certainly not least, my blackmailer, the right-hand man of Satan. Leaving me little choice but to be his chauffeur ninja. Be at his beck and call. Like a circus monkey.

I’m a strong woman who takes control of her life. I can’t control what others do around me, but I can control my reaction.


sp; And my reaction is to go to my blackmailer’s house right now and demand what the hell he wants. The terms and conditions. Make a contract. Take back control.

I sprang up in bed. Cracked my knuckles. Stretched my neck.

I’m ready.

Chapter 10


“Thanks, man.”

I hopped out of Caleb’s truck, slamming the door closed. He gave me a salute before driving away.

It was dark by the time we’d finished at the site. The guys who did overtime with us were going out for beer, and Caleb with them, but I wasn’t in the mood to socialize.

I’d told Caleb I’d take a cab, but he wouldn’t hear it. It was easier to agree than argue with the guy.

I walked up my driveway, thinking I’d give up a limb for a shower right now. Ice-cold beer too. I just preferred drinking it after the hot shower. And having no one flapping their lips at me, especially when I was this exhausted from a reno.

The porch light flashed as I walked closer to the front door, then I stopped.

I smiled as I spotted something in front of the fence. It was a fake wood stump. The one she’d used last night to boost herself up and climb the fence.

I walked to it, my muscles screaming at me to take that hot shower as I crouched down to pick it up.

Where the hell did she get it from? Did she bring it with her?

I chuckled as I pictured her carting this thing from her car. She was resourceful if anything. I tossed it to the other side of my fence.

I was keeping it.

Why was she trying to climb over my fence anyway? I wondered as I opened my front door. I took off my boots, so I wouldn’t get dried mud on the floor, stored them in the mudroom. I’d clean them tomorrow.

I doubted she was trying to steal from me. I stripped off my dirty clothes, threw them in the washer, pressed the right settings. Then I hopped in the shower and programmed the right temperature and pressure.

Tags: Isabelle Ronin Chasing Red Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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