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Seven Beasts (Haremworld)

Page 35

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“You will not.” Guinevere spun the arrow in midair and sent it back at Randall. It embedded in his shoulder and he flew back against the wall.

“Randall!” I ran past Alexander and dropped to my knees at his side.

“Little bug.” Guinevere flicked her finger in the air and a tiny fall of light hit me, sending me flying into the stone wall behind me.

“No!” Shane and Braden ran in front of me and held mirrors in front of them.

“I’m tired of these games.” Guinevere started to charge both fists.

The green balls of energy started flying around the room. The group tried to deflect them with the mirrors, but they were too much for them to stop. Each of them froze in place when the mirrors were no longer able to provide a defense. The green electricity circled the room and I stood up, ready to face down my fate. I wasn’t going to survive the encounter. There was no real hope for me. Guinevere was too powerful, and I was nothing more than a bug—just as she said. Alexander was the last one to be overcome by her power. He dashed across the room to protect me, but the witch was too powerful for him. He froze in place and I watched her start walking towards me.

She waved her hand and all of them were turned in place until they were staring at me. I saw fear in their eyes, absolute defeat circling their bodies. I thought back to the times we shared, the beauty of the moments that held us together as I released them from the beasts they were and formed the men they were from what remained. It was all over. I closed my eyes and prepared my fate as Alexander went down and the witch started to build up the energy in her hand again.

“What shall it be...” She let out a laugh. “Should I freeze you there and peel your skin from your body until your last breath is gone? Should I rip your limbs from their sockets and let you bleed until that beautiful face becomes white as the snow? So many options.”

“Just end it, Guinevere. You are going to get what you want. They’re already going to suffer for eternity in your curse.” I let out a sigh lowered my head.

My eyes started to go out of focus as the green light reflected on the outside of my eyelids. It was suddenly replaced with something else—indigo. I had seen that light in my dream. It was the color of Excalibur when Arthur held it in his hand. I felt something drawing me towards the blade behind me. I opened my eyes and turned around to see the sword in the stone glimmering with the power it once held. I ran to it and wrapped my hand around the hilt as Guinevere let a ball of green energy fly towards me. Had I been chosen to pull the sword from the stone? Could I really wield the power of Camelot?

I gave the sword a pull and it started to come free. The indigo light danced around my arm and engulfed my body as the green light struck me. It immediately dissipated as though it was nothing. I felt power surging through my body that was more powerful than anything I had ever felt before. I clasped both hands around the hilt as the sword came free and turned to face Guinevere. She cowered in fear when she saw the indigo light. I took a step towards her and she started unleashing charges of green energy. It was like she was throwing specs of dirt. The sword easily absorbed every one of them, glowing brighter as her rage intensified.

“This is impossible! You can’t wield Excalibur! You’re just a stupid girl with no power!” Guinevere took another step back.

“You’re wrong.” I shook my head and it seemed like I could see the past, present and future at the same time. “I’m not just a stupid girl—I’m the heir to the Pendragon legacy.”

“What?” She opened her mouth in shock.

“Or rather, the baby inside me is.” I turned the blade to Arthur and the indigo light freed him in an instant.

“It isn’t my power that allows me to wield this sword.” I smiled to Arthur and then turned my eyes back to Guinevere. “My unborn child is heir to Camelot.”

“You’re pregnant?” Arthur’s face lit up with surprise.

“Strike me down!” Guinevere dropped her arms. “Strike me down with the vengeance boiling in your veins, Anabelle.”

“No.” I lowered Excalibur and shook my head. “Arthur swung Excalibur in the name of vengeance and that is why he can no longer wield it. I will not make that mistake.”

“I will not go peacefully.” She took a step towards me and tried to form another ball of green energy.

“You will.” I nodded. “Because I’m going to give you something that changes your mind.”

“There is nothing you have that I want.” Her teeth gnashed together as she spoke.

“There is.” I pointed the sword and released the last soul it took. Indigo light sprang from the blade and the image of a man started to form.

“Lancelot?” Arthur’s eyes blinked several times. “How?”

“Excalibur cannot take life. It merely stores it. Merlin told you that once—did he not?” I looked to Arthur.

“He did—but...” Arthur continued blinking in surprise.

“Excalibur doesn’t want Lancelot’s soul. That’s why it refused to serve you after you took his head.” I continued channeling the energy of the sword. It was like all the knowledge of the sword was in my head, binding with my memories as I brought Lancelot to life.

“This is a trick! You’re not real.” Guinevere’s eyes filled with tears as she took a step back.

“Hello, Guinevere.” Lancelot took a step forward. “It has been a long time.”

“Is it really you?” Guinevere stepped towards the man she loved and he took her in his arms.

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