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Seven Beasts (Haremworld)

Page 45

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“Maybe...” I started towards the door. “It was nice meeting you.”

“You too.” He smiled one final time before I headed back towards the chapel.

THE ENCOUNTER WITH Luther was strange, but I shrugged it off when I got back in my car. I put my grandmother’s urn in the passenger seat and wrapped the seatbelt around it. It was strange to think that her whole life was condensed into one tiny urn. I drove back towards the middle of town where my hotel was located and started thinking about the strange town of Granite Falls. I had never been the center of attention before. I had met guys who were interested in me, but the men in Granite Falls seemed to have a hunger on their breath that was different. I replayed the encounters I had with Axe, the sheriff, Blue, and even the guys at the repair shop. I made it about halfway to town when I saw lights flashing in my rear-view mirror. I had been so consumed with my thoughts that I didn’t notice the car behind me and when the lights came on, I was a bit surprised. I slowed down to a crawl and then pulled to the side of the road. I had no idea why I was being pulled over. I leaned against the door and saw Sheriff Jesse James approaching my vehicle.

“Is there a problem?” I rolled down the window.

“The mayor wants to see you. I can escort you to City Hall or put you in the squad car.” His voice was rather cold and I was taken aback.

“He wants to see me? Why?” I looked up at him.

“Don’t know.” He shrugged. “Are you going to follow me or do I have to arrest you?”

“I’ll...” I felt my heart rate rising. “I’ll follow you.”

I watched as the sheriff went back to his car and waited. I cranked up my car again and turned back towards the road. My heart was still beating hard in my chest. I hadn’t done anything wrong as far as I knew. I definitely didn’t know why the mayor would want to see me or why he would send the sheriff to get me. I drove to City Hall, which was more of a small trailer shaped building than an actual hall. Once my car was in park and I was sure my grandmother’s ashes were secure, I stepped out of my car. Sheriff James parked behind me and got out as well, pointing towards the entrance. It was more than just a little concerning that I was being summoned like a criminal, but I wasn’t being taken to jail, so I considered that some sort of relief. I walked up the steps to the front door and Sheriff James passed me so he could open it. I stepped into the building and followed his extended finger towards a door that had the mayor’s name on it. When I stepped into his office, I saw Mayor Danvers behind his desk. He immediately stood up when I walked inside.

“Please have a seat.” He motioned to the chair in front of his desk. I took my seat nervously and Sheriff James walked into the office, closing the door behind him.

“What’s this about?” I raised my eyebrows in concern.

“You’ve been causing a bit of a stir since you arrived in town, Ms. Grant.” He took his seat again and leaned back in his chair.

“I have?” I looked back to Sheriff James and saw him nodding.

“I know you got an education about our town last night at The Water Barn. Blue has a big mouth, but he’s got a good heart—I can’t say the same about Axe.” The mayor sighed.

“I can’t wait for him to fuck up so I can send him back to prison.” The sheriff sneered.

“Prison?” I looked to the sheriff and back to the mayor.

“Yeah, he’s a bit of a rough one.” Mayor Danvers nodded. “We tried to warn you about him.”

“I had a few drinks with him. That’s all.” I looked between them and tried to read their faces.

“We know.” Sheriff James walked over and took a seat beside me.

“It is our job to keep the peace here in Granite Falls.” Sheriff James looked over at me. “That peace is coming unhinged with you here.”

“I’m leaving as soon as my tire is fixed.” I rapidly looked at the sheriff and nodded.

“Your brother is going to take care of it as soon as the new rim gets here.”

“That’s the thing...” Mayor Danvers drummed his hand on the desk. “None of us want you to go.”

“What?” I looked to him and back at Sheriff James who was nodding again. “I thought you just said—”

“You’re causing a bit of unrest, but it is different with you. I’m used to seeing people go to war when pretty girl shows up—not that we see them very often.” Mayor Danvers leaned forward. “There’s something special about you—something I’m not sure I understand.”

“I don’t think I’m special...” My words trailed off as I saw his glare, which was more intense than I expected.

“I disagree. I think you’re exactly what this town needs.” Sheriff James cleared his throat. “We want you to stay.”

“Why?” I looked to Sheriff James and back to Mayor Danvers.

“This town is dying. If we don’t do something, we won’t have a town in twenty years. I think the key to that is you—you’re what we need. This may seem a bit strange, but you’ve caught the attention of everyone from our local convict to Sheriff James himself...” Mayor Danvers let out a sigh. “...and me.”

“My brother too—even Major who hasn’t shown interest in a girl since he got back from Afghanistan.” Sheriff James smiled. “We want you to stay here with us—we want to take care of you.”

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