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Seven Beasts (Haremworld)

Page 57

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“Probably some coffee.” She rubbed her fingers across her eyes and yawned. “I need to wake up.”

“Right way.” I walked towards the kitchen and started a pot before returning to the room.

“So, anyway...” Mayor Danvers sighed. “I don’t want you to think I’m not trying. I don’t want word to get out and everyone to get their hopes up because it probably won’t happen. However, if they do build a plant here—even fifty miles away—it will attract some other businesses.”

“You can’t give up.” Samantha tilted her head. “I might know someone I can call.”

“Huh?” Mayor Danvers’ attention was instantly drawn to Samantha. “Who?”

“My father did some work for a guy named Charles Payne when I was younger. His daughter, Jennifer, and I went to the same college, so we hung out a lot. He’s a real estate developer and if memory serves me correct, he does a lot of work for the state. Let me give her a call when I get back home and see if she can talk to him.” Samantha nodded and smiled.

“Wait...” Axe leaned forward. “When you go back home? You’re leaving?”

“I’m definitely going to come back, but I do have to take care of some things at home before I can just move to Granite Falls permanently. I need more clothes than what I have in my suitcase.” She looked towards me when I entered the room with a cup of coffee.

“Speaking of things you need to do.” Mayor Danvers stood up and walked to his suit jacket that was hanging near the door. “I went ahead and took care of everything for your grandmother’s place. Just sign this paperwork and I’ll get it processed.” He dug into the pocket and returned with a rolled-up stack of papers.

“Thank you.” She smiled and took them from him. “That’ll keep me from having to stop by the courthouse on my way out of town.”

“How long will you be gone?” Axe seemed to be fidgeting nervously and struggling with the news of her departure. I wanted her to stay, but I understood that she needed to get things in order at home.

“Just a couple of days at most. I have to deliver my grandmother’s ashes, give my father this paperwork, and make sure he’s going to be okay once I’m gone. I’ve been living with him since I graduated from college and he hasn’t been doing that great health wise.” She sighed and shook her head. “The doctor says he’ll recover, but I’m still worried.”

“Why don’t you bring him with you to Granite Falls? He could stay in your grandmother’s old house. Between the seven of us and you—plus Blue’s mom living next door—I’m sure we can make sure he’s well taken care of.” Mayor Danvers leaned forward and put his hand on Samantha’s knee. “You’re now a part of our family, which means your father is family too.”

“I’ll ask him.” Samantha’s face took on a look of concern after she pondered her response. “But I’m not sure he would approve of this—I still haven’t figured out what I’m going to tell him.”

“One of us could be your boyfriend in public—maybe even mar

ry you. No one has to know what we’re doing behind closed doors.” I grinned and shrugged. “I’d be happy to marry you.”

“Telling him I’ve fallen for someone in Granite Falls might be a little easier to believe than telling him I just decided to move here. He grew up here, so he’s probably not going to believe I just decided to move here on my own.” She nodded. “Yeah, I think that could work.”

“I guess I should buy some rings.” I felt a bit of a flutter in my stomach.

“Luther’s a preacher—where is he anyway?” Samantha looked around the room.

“He had some things to attend to at the church to get ready for the next service. He’ll be back soon. Steve and Major still haven’t gotten back. Blue is outside hanging a swing on the porch if you didn’t notice the sound of a power tool in your ear.” I chuckled.

“I wondered what that was.” She nodded. “Well since Luther is a preacher, he could do the ceremony. We wouldn’t even have to file legal documents, we could just do the ceremony and put on a performance for my father and the rest of the town.”

“You don’t want to marry me for real?” I raised my eyebrows with sarcasm lacing my words. “I took your virginity, young lady. It is only right I should make an honest woman out of you.”

“You just want me barefoot and pregnant!” Her tone was sarcastic as well which caused Axe and Mayor Danvers to laugh.

“About that...” Axe’s tone got a little more serious. “We’re not exactly using protection here. Are you on the pill or anything?”

“I was a virgin until yesterday, so I haven’t exactly felt a need for birth control.” She raised her eyebrows. “Are you not going to care for a child that is one-seventh yours?”

“Did you expect more from a deadbeat?” I teased Axe who shot me an angry glare.

“I’m happy to raise any child that we are lucky enough to have join our family. I was just asking the question.” He continued his angry glare, but then his face relaxed into a smile.

“Do you guys want me to go on birth control? I’ve always wanted children, but it is probably far too soon for that.” Samantha bit down on her lip as if she was contemplating what she said.

“No, I don’t.” I shook my head. “I’m perfectly fine with children.”

“Me too.” Mayor Danvers nodded.

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