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Going Under (Going Under 1)

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Before I walked out the door, I looked up at him. Smug arrogance spread across his face and my inner beotch stepped forward to take control because I refused to let him win this round. I waited outside the building exit by the picnic tables used by the freshmen class during break. He walked out of the building in my direction and I used my finger to motion for him to come over. He grinned, believing he had me where he wanted me, and I grinned because I knew he didn’t.

“Have something to admit, Princess?”

Easing into the warming up stage might not be an option like Payton and I discussed. What I was about to do could be considered more like jumping in head first. “You might have announced in front of the entire football team and cheerleading squad that I fictitiously liked what your hands did to me, but I just made you come with one finger, so tell me now who has the skills.”

I gave him a wink before I walked away, then heard, “Is that the game we’re gonna play because I believe I heard a challenge and I don’t think I could accept it if I didn’t give you fair warning. I don’t back down, Princess.”

I never feared he would. Panic set in and I wondered; what had I just gotten myself into?

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This version of the Princess was fun. I could toy with this one without the fear of real rejection. As long as I didn’t look serious, I could accept her dismissal, so I decided to push my luck to the extreme to get a reaction out of her.

I needed some time to strategize, so I avoided sitting next to Claire in third period history. I sat across the room, but I couldn’t keep my eyes from wandering in her direction. Based on their serious facial expressions, her conversation with Payton was deep.

She refused to acknowledge my presence by looking in my direction, but Payton looked right at me and gave me what I perceived as an ‘Awe, it’s on now’ nod. I didn’t think Claire had it in her to do too much damage, but Payton I wasn’t so sure about and I spent the hour pondering what they could be up to.

I got to Physics class early and I hoped Claire would follow soon after without Forbes so I might have a moment to play with her. When she walked in the door alone, I was pleased and swiveled to the side to see her better. I realized too late that I must look like a grinning hyena when she asked, “What’s with the shit eating grin?”

Knowing the jig was up, I decided to go full force with my attempt to provoke her. “I was just thinking…you might as well sleep with me since everyone already thinks you have. I promise you would not be disappointed. Money back guarantee.”

She began to laugh and said, “You are reality challenged. No one believes we’re sleeping together.”

She didn’t shoot me down cold or call me a cringeworthy, so I decided to push a little harder. “Well, since you did bring it to my attention that you made me come with one finger, I’m especially interested in finding out what your whole hand can do. You can blame yourself for my peaked interest.”

She shook her head like she couldn’t believe I would say such a thing to her and said, “If this is the real you, whoever told you to be yourself couldn’t have given you worse advice.”

She still had not told me to go to hell, so I said, “Come on, go out with me tonight. It’s our last free Friday night for months and I promise to rock your world.”

“You know I have a boyfriend, so why are you even asking?”

I placed my open palm over my heart and said, “I’m a hopeless romantic. Besides, he doesn’t have to know. I’m very good at keeping secrets.”

She looked thoughtful, like she could be thinking it over, then said, “Sorry, no can do.”

I saw Henderson come through the door and I quickly whispered, “Someday you’ll call me the one that got away.”

I faced the front of the classroom and heard Henderson sit behind me, next to Claire. “Hey, babe. Having a good day?” he asked her.

She laughed and answered loud enough for me to hear, “Yeah. It’s been a really good day, very interesting. I found out I like some things I didn’t know I liked.”

“I hope you find some things tonight that you didn’t know you liked.”

Of course, she would have plans with her boyfriend, but it didn’t stop me from feeling slightly spurned as I was forced to overhear their conversation about going out tonight. I stilled, waiting to hear her response to his comment, but she had none.

Gretchen came in and took her seat next to me, looking especially slutty today in a short skirt and low cut shirt. She spoke, as she had everyday this week, and I decided to return her friendly affections in an attempt to fish for a reaction from Claire.

I looked her up and down and spoke a little louder so my words would easily reach Claire’s ears. “Damn, Gretchen, you look smoking hot today and that shirt looks great on you. It accents your…eyes.”

She smiled like the cat that ate the canary and leaned closer to stroke my arm as she said, “Thank you very much and I’m glad to know you’re finally noticing.”

“Please don’t think I haven’t been noticing because I have,” I falsely reassured.

I heard the slam of a binder against the table, then heard Henderson ask, “What’s up with you?”

“Nothing, absolutely nothing,” she said.

I knew better and just as I had hoped, flirting with Gretchen had gotten Claire’s attention. To test my theory, I decided to take my flirting a step further.

“You got plans for tonight?”

Gretchen leaned forward, allowing me a view of her cle**age and said, “I do, but nothing that can’t include you. I’m supposed to go to a bonfire at Harrison Cleveland’s. Half the school will be there; the cool half that is, and his older brother is buying some kegs. I told Ben Averitt I would go with him, but I can bail on him if you want to be my date.”

I left my eyes on her cle**age and said, “I think you would have a better time with me than Ben. Don’t you think?”

She smiled and said, “I completely agree.”

I heard the slam of a textbook onto the floor, causing Gretchen to jump. She turned around, her eyes shooting daggers at Claire and said, “Clumsy much?”

Claire glared at her and said, “Slutty much?” in retaliation.

“News flash, Claire…a chastity belt is not a fashion statement,” she laughed.

Claire narrowed her eyes and said, “At least my right leg doesn’t miss my left leg because they haven’t seen each other in so long.”

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