Seven Beasts (Haremworld) - Page 78

“It will be fair, because it is going to be Mia’s choice.” I looked back and forth between them. “We just have to all agree with her choice.”

“I’d rather win it, but I guess that’s fair.” Jerrod snorted.

“Yeah, it does seem like the right thing to do.” Matt nodded in agreement.

“If she’s up for it, after she finishes with Hank, the three of us are going to fuck her. Which one goes first is her choice.” I held up my beer.

“May the best man—go first.” Jerrod shrugged and tapped his beer to mine. “If I’m getting laid, I don’t care at this point.”

“Wow, that may be the most selfless thing you’ve ever said.” Matt tapped his beer to the other two.

“I don’t know man.” Jerrod sighed and brought his beer to his lips. “There’s something about this girl. You both know what I’m talking about.”

“Yes.” I nodded in agreement and sipped my beer. “She’s special. You throw her in a shark tank and she’ll tame them—I guarantee you. I saw it at the bar.”

“Seven guys who could literally have any girl in Texas agreeing to share one hot virgin.” Jerrod raised his eyebrows. “I never thought I’d see that anywhere but a movie, and I definitely never thought my ego would let me be one of the seven.”

“We’re going to take this attitude to the field.” I looked back and forth between them. “It’ll make us more of a team than ever before.”

“That’s why you did this...” Matt muttered and narrowed his eyes at me. “This is another one of those team building exercises.”

“Not exactly.” I shook my head back and forth. “This really is about Mia, but it will also build the bond between us. We won’t just be a team, we’ll be a fucking family. We’ll live and die for each other on that field, just like we’ll live and die for Mia here.”

“You’re a genius coach.” Jerrod twisted his lips and nodded—almost in admiration. “I guess I do have a lot to learn from you.”

“Maybe now you’ll stop being a cocky prick?” Matt snickered and chuckled.

“Not a chance.” Jerrod sipped his beer again. “I am who I am.”

“You keep putting the ball down the field or let Roger blow through their line and I’ll make sure the other quarterback stays on his ass the whole game so you can get back out there.” Matt tapped his beer on Jerrod’s.

“We’re a team.” Jerrod smiled. “Fuck, I’ve never actually considered myself part of a team. It’s always been the Jerrod Grant show.”

“We’re going all the way this year, boys. You’ll all be wearing a Big Game ring when this season is over.” I nodded and looked around the room. “Okay, gather around team.”

I waited for the team to break from their conversations and join us. Roger and Joe were comparing notes about going balls deep in Mia’s throat. Chad was joining in, but after ejaculating in his pants, he didn’t quite have the same story to tell about feeling her lips force the first orgasm from his cock. Hank was itching for his turn, twisting and turning in place hearing the three of them talk about the splendor of her hot, wet mouth. It was time to change things up a little bit and make sure Mia wasn’t overwhelmed. I knew she was probably at the breaking point after the way Jerrod ravaged her pussy with her tongue. We also needed to talk with her about the potential for sex and whether she was truly up for the plan of letting her decide.

“Okay, team. Obviously, Mia is pretty wiped out at this point.” I lifted my beer and finished it. “We’re going to have to talk with her and see what she’s up for. Hank, if that means your beast can’t have a turn, you have to respect that.”

“I will.” Hank groaned and I could tell he wasn’t thrilled, but he didn’t fight me.

“The contest for her virginity is down to the three of us here, and we’d like to be able to seal the deal if she’s up for it tonight, but that has to be her call. We’re going to let her decide who she wants to be her first—provided she’s up for it.” I looked around the room to make sure they underst


“What’s taking you guys so long?” I heard Mia’s voice and I turned to see her leaning against the doorway of the dining room. She had taken off her dress and her bra and it was the first time any of us had seen her naked body.

“We’re getting a pep talk.” Hank laughed.

“Damn, you’re ready to go again?” Jerrod raised in eyebrows in surprise.

“If you’re all going to share me, it wouldn’t be fair for me to leave some of you unsatisfied.” Mia walked over and started stroking Hank’s cock through his pants.

“Yeah...” Hank moaned. “That does seem a bit...unfair.”

“I appreciate what you’re doing for me, Coach Dawson.” She reached over and started stroking my dick as well. “But if this is going to be about me, I think I need to set the pace.”

“Well...” I felt a groan erupt from my throat as she stroked it from balls to glans. “That’s what we were discussing. We’re down to the last three, but we want you to make the final decision.”

Tags: Kelli Callahan Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024