Daddy's Best Friend - Page 8

“Oh god…” I looked down and exhaled sharply. “I’m sorry—I didn’t know that.”

“There are rules and I really need you to follow them. I’m not your father, but I have to look after you while you’re staying with me.” He raised his shoulders slowly and shrugged. “I’m not trying to be an asshole.”

“No, I get it.” I nodded in understanding. “I won’t drive for a week and after that, my phone will stay in my purse until the car is turned off.”

“Good. I’ll give you another chance in a week, but there won’t be another one after that.” He leaned towards me. “I’m sure you don’t want to have to call John every time you want to go somewhere.”

“No.” I shook my head back and forth. “It’s nice to have that option, but I don’t want to rely on him for everything.”

If I had my own place, I could take public transportation, but there are no bus routes out here…

The line had been firmly slashed in the concrete. Greyson was hot—so much so that he was practically smoldering, but he was not just some guy that I was living with. I was his responsibility and he intended to take it seriously. I didn’t want him to regret letting me stay at his house—and I certainly didn’t want to be a disappointment. I was a good kid growing up. I rarely got in trouble. I could count the number of times my mother had to sit me down for a talking-to on one hand and the number of times I had gotten in trouble in school on the other. Fearing the guild that would come afterward was enough to keep me on the right path most of the time. I wondered if my father would have the same look on his face that Greyson had—if he had lived long enough for me to ever get in trouble.

Later that evening

I ate dinner with Greyson just like I had the previous night, but I felt like there was a rift between us. I really enjoyed our fake-date downstairs in the movie theater—I loved hearing the stories he told about my father. I wasn’t foolish enough to think a guy like Greyson would ever look at me and see someone that he could become romantically attached to, but that didn’t stop me from developing a crush overnight. It was a weird crush. I knew he was old enough to be my father—yet, it didn’t really register the same way. It was just—different. I saw both sides of it at the same time. He was a guy who was ridiculously hot, with a British accent that made me want to swoon, yet I was still his responsibility.

I guess I’ve got a few unresolved Daddy issues, but I’ve always known that—I just didn’t expect them to manifest like this…

“Are you going to bed early tonight?” Greyson walked up to my door and peeked into my room.

“Yeah, probably so.” I nodded. “I have to call my mother before I do, but I think I’m going to go to bed after that.”

“I hope you’re not upset with me.” He took a step into my room. “We can still hang out. We can even watch a movie downstairs after you call your mother if you want.”

“I don’t think I want to do that tonight.” I shook my head back and forth. “I’m not upset with you. I’m just disappointed with myself…”

“Hey, look at like this—you didn’t get grounded.” He smirked and shrugged.

“I doubt being confined to this house would be much of a punishment…” I looked around and finally cracked a half-smile.

At least he’s joking about it…

“True.” He chuckled under his breath. “I guess the other alternative would be what? A spanking?”

“Ha!” I looked up at him and grinned. “I don’t think people do that anymore.”

“I’m pretty sure they do. At least where I’m from—although they don’t really let them use the cane in England like they did when I was younger.” He tilted his head slightly and narrowed his eyes. “If you text and drive again, I might have to break out the old-fashioned method of dealing with that kind of behavior.”

I think he’s still joking around—I mean, I hope he’s joking…

“I don’t know, I think I might be faster than you.” I bit down on my lip and giggled.

“Did you forget that I used to play Rugby?” His tone was jovial but slightly threatening.

“Yeah, but didn’t you retire during your first year as a pro because of a knee injury?” I looked down at his leg.

“I can still move on it pretty good.” He took a step towards me. “Want to test it?”

“Hey, we were just messing around!” I hopped up when he reached out to grab my arm, but I couldn’t stop laughing.

“Were we?” He playfully lunged towards me and caught my wrist.

“Okay, you can still move pretty good—for an old guy.” I rolled my eyes and continued giggling.

“That’s gonna cost you. Turn around.” He motioned with the hand that wasn’t holding my wrist.

“Wait, you’re not serious!” I pulled against his grasp.

Tags: Kelli Callahan Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024