Daddy's Best Friend - Page 54

“We’re not done.” He pressed his lips to my neck. “I want you again as soon as we have a few minutes to rest.”

This is going to be a very long night—but there’s nowhere else I’d rather be…



The next morning

I woke up with Chrissy in my arms, but that wasn’t the name she preferred anymore. She had become Christina, a woman that knew exactly what she wanted. I saw the transformation too late—and it almost cost me everything. The reality was that I didn’t really give her the guidance she needed to find it. The woman she wanted to be was always there—she just needed something to bring it to the surface. I wasn’t going to waste my second opportunity. I wanted her in my arms for the rest of my life. I had fallen hard and fallen quick, but I didn’t need to analyze it. Our short time together had changed both of our lives and we were better together than we would ever be apart.

“Good morning, beautiful.” I brushed a strand of hair out of her eyes as soon as they opened.

“How are you awake?” She blinked away the fog as she tried to wake up.

“Hard to sleep when I’ve got someone as gorgeous as you in my arms.” I smiled pressed my lips to her forehead.

“I feel like a need to soak in a tub…” She groaned and shifted on the bed. “I used muscles I forgot I had last night.”

“Want to go down to the jacuzzi?” I tilted my head slightly.

“Yeah—if I can walk.” She leaned up.

“I got you.” I sat up on the edge of the bed and scooped her into my arms.

I kissed her a couple of times before I carried her downstairs. She finally insisted that I let her walk once we got outside. I wasn’t surprised that she was a little sore. I had an ache in my muscles too after spending most of the night lost in the pleasure of our passion. We climbed into the jacuzzi and she immediately moved over into my arms. The water felt good and we didn’t say much of anything for several minutes. The warmth soothed our aching muscles and I felt a bit rejuvenated, but the lack of sleep was still noticeable.

“So, do you believe that I see you as more than just some girl I have to look after?” I leaned forward and pressed my lips to her forehead.

“Yeah—I guess you proved it to me.” She grinned and her fingertips traced my muscles. “But, I kind of have a confession.”

“Oh?” I raised my eyebrows in concern.

“I don’t think I’m ready to let you stop being my Daddy quite yet.” She bit down on her bottom lip.

“Is that so?” I tilted my head slightly. “Did you wake up feeling bratty because you didn’t get enough sleep?”

“Not exactly…” She leaned closer to me. “I just needed to know that it could be more than that—and now I do.”

“I guess you’re still going to be my naughty girl sometimes, then?” I put my finger under her chin and lifted it. “Even though you don’t have to be?”

“I’m going to be both.” She grinned. “Because I can be.”

I pulled Christina—or Chrissy—into my arms. It wasn’t going to easy to differentiate the two, but I was up for the challenge. I didn’t mind being her Daddy when she needed me to be, but I was going to enjoy being her man a whole lot more. The line was gone. There was no reason to try and create a new one. There was no need for doors that had to be opened, closed, or blown off the hinges. We were just two people that cared for each other—two people that had found something unique which could grow as we learned to navigate through our future together. I was just happy that she was in my arms—and she was going to be there for the rest of my life.


One year later

“You have to let go—I’m going to be late for my first class!” I looked up at Greyson and smiled.

“Just show them the new rock on your finger.” He squeezed my hand. “I think that will be a good excuse.”

“It’ll probably just blind them…” I looked down at my engagement ring. “Okay, one more kiss—then I really have to go.”

Greyson pulled me into his arms and crushed my lips beneath his. We had been together for a year, and he still knew how to set off fireworks in my head. I wished I could go back upstairs with him—a day in bed would have been much nicer than the classroom, but I really didn’t want to be late. Our lips seared together, and I got lost in the kiss for a few minutes, but then I got my composure and made a dash for the door. If I stayed much longer the tingle inside me was going to beg for his touch—and then all bets were off.

I might have to turn this ring over just to drive…

Tags: Kelli Callahan Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024