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Mr. Teacher

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“It was fun.” I shrugged and suppressed a smile that would have probably revealed more than I wanted Veronica to know.

“I figured one date would be enough for you to get your high school crush out of your system.” Veronica rolled her eyes and sat down at the table.

“It’s different now.” I put some spaghetti on a plate and sat it down in front of her. “He didn’t even look at me back then, so it was totally one-sided.”

“I would hope not. He was married, after all.” Veronica dug her fork into the spaghetti.

“Yeah, I guess his wife didn’t realize what she had.” I opened the refrigerator and pulled out two diet sodas. “He seems like a really good guy, even if he’s a little different than I expected.”

“Different how?” Veronica took her soda and popped the top.

“Just different…” I let my words trail off because it wasn’t something I could explain to my little sister.

“What are you going to do when you go back to college?” She looked at her wrist and pretended to check an imaginary watch. “Oh look, that’s only a few days away.”

“I don’t know.” I shrugged and sighed. “It only take a couple of hours to get here. If we decide that we want to keep seeing each other, I’m sure we’ll figure it out.”

“Oh, won’t that be marvelous.” Veronica’s words came out in a sarcastic tone and she tilted her head. “He can come visit you on the weekends and you guys can go on picnics or whatever it is guys his age like to do.”

“We’ll figure it out.” The things we did the night before flashed in my head and I was forced to suppress another smile because we definitely didn’t go on a picnic.

“I’m going to Briana’s house tonight.” Veronica looked up at me and sipped her soda. “I’ll try to be home before bedtime.”

“Ten o’clock!” I pointed at her the way our mother did and quickly lowered my finger when I realized what I was doing. “And that’s only if Briana’s mother is going to drive you home. If you’re walking, you need to be home before dark.”

“She’ll drive me.” Veronica’s phone buzzed and she immediately stood up. “Actually, she’s here now!”

“Wait, you didn’t finish your dinner!” I looked down at the plate as she scurried towards the door.

“I’ll be fine! Enjoy your date!” The door slammed and she was gone.

With Veronica out of the house, I had some time to myself before I went to meet Gavin, so I watched television for a few minutes. A car dealership commercial played with cheerleaders in the background roaring out the latest prices on automobiles, and it gave me a crazy idea. I ran upstairs and dug around in my closet until I found my old cheerleader uniform from high school. I hadn’t even tried to put it on since I graduated. I hoped it still fit. I stripped off my clothes and started putting it on, rubbing my hands across the fabric to smooth the wrinkles it had from being in storage.

Not half bad.

I did a twirl in front of the mirror and then packed some regular clothes in a bag before heading back downstairs. I felt a little foolish walking to my car in it, but once I was on my way to Gavin’s house, I was extremely excited. I hoped he would have the kind of reaction I was going for. I was a disobedient student that had gotten punished at school and was on my way home for the rest of my comeuppance.

God, if my mind doesn’t stop spinning, my panties are going to be soaked before I even get there.

I really didn’t know what it was about being spanked that turned me on so much. My mother had never laid a hand on me. It was threatened in high school, but I didn’t know anyone that had actually been introduced to the paddle. Mr. King was the only one that went as far as to show it to me when he made his threat, which was how I knew it was in his desk to begin with. After getting a taste, I wanted more. I was disappointed when he only gave me three real smacks, but the promise of something worse when I got home left me so wet that I had to change my panties the instant I got home from our encounter.

“All right, here we go.” I took a deep breath when I parked in his driveway and turned off my car.

I LOOKED UP AT GAVIN with anticipation boiling inside me. He was so damn sexy that I wanted to melt into his stone colored eyes. They registered a new intensity when I told him that I was home and ready for my punishment. It was almost like a light switch was flipped and his smile faded. It was the same stare I got from him in high school when he was disappointed with one of my assignments.

“Maybe it’

s time we stop playing games.” His tone was rougher than I was used to.

“What do you mean?” I blinked nervously as he took me by the arm.

“You know exactly what I mean.” He tilted his head. “I saw the way you reacted last night. Even if I wasn’t reading it exactly the way I thought I was, the fact you showed up in my classroom earlier confirmed it.”

“Confirmed what?” I felt even more nervous when his grip on my arm tightened.

“You want real discipline.” He started walking towards the living room, pulling me along as he spoke. “You were practically begging for it last night and you did more than beg earlier today.”

He took a seat on the couch and before my mind could process what he said, my skirt was flipped up and my panties were around my knees. I actually felt a little scared when I felt his hand come down the first time, followed by a second in the exact same spot. He definitely meant business and there was no way I was going to taunt him after I realized what he had in store for me. He gave me two hard smacks in the same spot on the opposite side of my bottom and I squirmed on his lap, already feeling the sting spread across my ass.

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