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Chasing Her Curves

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“You’re very important to Harmony, which makes you important to me. I’ll do anything I can to help you—no charge.” Devlin smiled again and sipped his Scotch.

“Well I’m thoroughly confused.” Nate shrugged. “This sounds like Greek to me. If there’s a skull to crack, I’m your man, but if there’s paperwork—yeah, that isn’t my style.”

We continued talking as we drank and once our food was served, we nibbled on it as we shared stories. There was a lot more passion in Nate’s story when it came from him instead of secondhand from Harmony. Devlin was fairly open about the lifestyle he lived, even when some of the details made Harmony blush. I could see that desire simmering beneath the surface of her eyes. She definitely needed what Devlin offered. Our conversation was an eye-opening experience for me, and when the food was done, I had something inside of me that I hadn’t felt in a long time—hope.

Is there really an answer out there somewhere? Is it possible that the mysterious Angelina pulled us all together for a reason?



Something magical seemed to be happening between the four of us as we shared drinks, a meal, and the complications that guided our lives. The elephant in the room really hadn’t been addressed, but I felt like it was stomping in the shadows and begging to be noticed. I had feelings for all three men. I had no idea how I would ever end up with just one of them. It was confusing and toyed with my thoughts. Conventional logic had always guided my life. I was supposed to grow up, meet the love of my life, get married, and raise a beautiful family. The situation I found myself in spat in the face of that conventional logic. I found myself drawn in three directions at once.

Do they see it? They can’t be blind to it.

Nate was the one that started everything. He found himself at Angelina’s club in the wake of tragedy and she wanted to help him. He needed more than just love, although he didn’t see it in the beginning. The real closure came with his father and he was ready to move on from it. The relationship might never be perfect, but he had seen the transformation love brought. He wasn’t running from Bakersfield anymore. He was chasing what he wanted. The only reason he was there was because he still did want me. His perspective might have been changed, but he had clearly bonded with Devlin during the week that I had been away. That might be more important than what we had if the thoughts in my head were going to be realized.

How could I lose a man like that? He carried my torch for so long, even if the fire dulled after he left Bakersfield.

Devlin was the true personification of my dark fantasy. I couldn’t run from that. Nate and Connor would never be able to satisfy the craving. Angelina saw that when she sent me to him. It was more than just an urge. It was a piece of who I was. He could take me places that I didn’t dare to go on my own. A small taste of his brand of dominance had made my submissive desires flourish. He had seen that glimmer when we talked online. The awakening had barely been a tease and I couldn’t ignore that side of myself. I needed him in my life, even if I could never live the lifestyle completely.

He needs it too—he’s sought the perfect balance his whole life and now it’s in front of us.

Connor was complicated. I couldn’t abandon him until we found a solution, and after spending a week with him, I wasn’t sure I could ever separate myself from him fully. There would always be a part of me that wondered what would have happened between us had tragedy not separated our love before it began. With all of his complications, he was the glue that would bond us. Nate’s torch, Devlin’s darkness, and Connor’s future. All were intertwined in Angelina’s game. I was not going to let it end until I walked every road. Those roads had finally came together and it was up to me to make sure they didn’t fork again.

This is the beginning—this dinner—this meeting. Now we figure out where it goes from here, and we do it together.

“How would the three of you feel about carrying on this conversation somewhere a little more… private?” I looked around the table and smiled.

“We’re already in a private room.” Connor raised his eyebrows in confusion.

“Yes, but what I have in mind requires more than a thin room divider hiding us from the world.” I scooted closer to him. “Somewhere like… your bedroom.”

“All of us?” He looked at me in shock.

“Is that a problem?” I tilted my head to the side. “It might be fun.”

“Fuck…” Nate exhaled quickly.

“This could be an interesting night.” Devlin chuckled and nodded. “I don’t have a problem with it.”

“I know what I want.” Nate shrugged. “If this is

where the road leads, then I say we walk it together.”

“I don’t know…” Connor’s eyes continued to reflect confusion. “I liked having you all to myself, even if I knew it wasn’t going to last forever.”

“Maybe it can last forever.” I reach over and took his hand. “It doesn’t have to be complicated. We can just see where it goes.”

Connor was apprehensive, but he agreed. The four of us went back to his apartment. I knew what was going to happen when the door closed. I believe he did too, even if he went for a drink once we were inside his apartment. Nate pulled me close for a kiss. It was like a memory, even though we had only been separated for a week. Devlin’s lips were on my neck while Nate forced his tongue into my mouth. I cast a quick glance to Connor and saw that he was watching intently. There was no reason to hold back. If we were going to be united, it had to be his choice. I moaned when Devlin started pulling my dress up my hips. His kiss got harsher and he pulled them close to my ear.

“I believe you promised that you wouldn’t abandon me the last time you were across my knee.” His tone got a little firmer. “Yet you left me for a week, without even saying goodbye.”

“Yeah.” Nate pulled back from our kiss. “You just vanished.”

“I had a good reason.” I looked over at Connor.

“That doesn’t change things.” Devlin squeezed my ass and slid his hands into my panties. “I believe you need a good hard spanking before you get the pleasure you crave.”

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