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Mr. Mountain

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I love snowstorms—snowstorms are amazing.

The blonde goddess was sitting in my cabin. She was sitting in the same damn chair I sat in hours before when I fantasized about her. Her body, even hidden behind her clothes, was so much better than my imagination.

Fuck me, she’s a damn angel.

I could tell she was younger than I imagined. I thought twenties when I saw her on the road, but she clearly hadn’t made it there yet. My fantasy didn’t do her justice and as I stared at her, I couldn’t help but want the reality that lingered in my thoughts when I envisioned her earlier in the evening. If my predictions were correct, we would have a few days before

travel was recommended.

I don’t even need that long.

There would be plenty of time for the things I wanted to do to her. I risked my own life to track her down and save her. She was alive because of me and that was going to require a little bit of payment. I was sure with her beauty, she was used to guys like me who wanted a little bit from her when they saw how gorgeous she was. It was probably the time I had spent alone without a woman’s touch, but there was something primal inside of me that was trying to get out. It was a piece of myself I had forgotten while I lived off the land and took care of my own needs.

Calm. Stay calm.

She had already finished her first drink and I certainly needed another so I took her glass and walked over to the bottle of whiskey. It was a damn good thing I decided to stock up. I poured two more generous glasses of whiskey and handed one to her. As I did, I realized her feet were practically frozen. They weren’t frostbitten but they were damn close.

“You need to soak in a warm bath.” I said as I looked at them.

“Is that safe? I read somewhere that it wasn’t a good idea after nearly freezing to death.” She looked up at me with her innocent eyes blinking, resonating with concern.

“You weren’t that far gone.” I put my hand on her shoulder for reassurance.

“It sure felt like it…” She held up her hands and compared them to her feet.

“Luckily, you were in your car, so that helped. The wind and the snow would have done the job a lot quicker if you weren’t. The heater in the truck and the fire has done most of the work, but a bath will make you feel a lot better.” I walked to the bathroom and turned on the water. “We should check you for frostbite though, just to be sure.”

You’ve got a lot of places I want to check.

“They look okay.” She walked into the bathroom and put her foot on the edge of the tub. “But my toes are still cold.”

“Well frostbite can get you anywhere, so we’ll need to check more than just your toes.” I tried to suppress a smile, but I saw a slight grin forming on her concerned face.

“Oh.” She looked over at me and her eyes got wide. “You mean?”

“A full body examination. Trust me, I know what I’m talking about.” I suppressed a laugh, only allowing a slight chuckle.

“Um…” She furrowed her brow and looked at the water.

“Come on, strip down before the water gets cold.” My words had a bit more bite than before.

“You better not be lying to me.” She started removing her shirt.

Why would I lie? Who would lie to see your gorgeous tits?

“I’m not.” A huge grin spread across my face while her shirt was covering her eyes, but it retreated to the serious stare when she could see me again.

“This doesn’t look very good.” I reached over and touched her shoulder, which was red and starting to bruise. “Did I do that pulling you out of the car?”

“No.” She shook her head. “I banged it on the door when I tried to force it open.”

“The skin isn’t broken, so it should heal without any issues.” I looked at her other shoulder, tilted her chin to look under her neck and then examined the rest of her upper torso except for her breasts, which were still covered by her bra.

“Anything?” She asked.

“Everything looks good so far.” I replied. “Let me help you with this.” I took her bra clasp between my fingers.

I bet they’re beautiful.

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