Seven Soulmates - Page 15

“Not yet—but, that might be changing tonight.” Her face lit up with a broad smile. “Have you heard of the Soulmate app?”

“The what?” I tilted my head and sat up fully, rolling to the side of the bed with a grimace when I put pressure on my bad arm.

“It’s supposed to help you find your soulmate. You know they say there’s someone for everyone, right?” She picked up her cell phone and moved her finger across the screen. “I was skeptical at first, but then I met this charming doctor from Chicago. He’s flying in tonight.”

“Interesting.” I reached for my shirt. “So you really believe in that shit?”

“Well, I sure don’t plan on going to bed with nothing but my hand to keep me company tonight.” She winked at me and helped me pull my shirt over my shoulders.

“If he turns out to be a jerk, keep me in mind.” I chuckled. “I still got one good arm.”

“You should download the app.” She took a step back once my shirt was on. “It might surprise you.”

“Yeah, maybe.” I shrugged and immediately felt discomfort in my arm.

“Just a tip, though.” She leaned against my ear. “If you do meet your soulmate, ask her on a date before you offer to take her straight to bed. We like that sort of thing, no matter how cute you are.”

I walked outside and pulled my cell phone out of my pocket. I had never heard of the Soulmate app, but it sounds like an easy way to get laid. I never really needed to hunt down women when I was fighting. They pretty much came to me and when they didn’t, there were plenty of prostitutes in Las Vegas that were eager to take my money. Being separated from that life sucked. I couldn’t even hang out with my friends anymore. Their looks of pity were just too much for me to deal with when I couldn’t wipe the pity off their faces with my fists. I was surprised when I saw how much the app cost, but if there were women like my nurse on there, it might be worth it. I typed in my information and a few seconds later, I was staring at a blank screen.

Well, ain’t that a kick in the nuts. I’ve lost everything and I don’t even have a fucking soulmate.


My life wasn’t perfect, but I was getting by. My arm healed and I left Las Vegas behind to start over in Reno. I got a job training some younger fighters that were trying to break into the business I used to run. I was even able to spar with them, as long as we didn’t go full-contact. I spent my evenings at Carson’s, one of the sleaziest strip clubs in the city. Between the bottle and the girls on the stage, life moved on. I wasn’t going to be rich, but at least I could keep myself entertained until I finally went in the dirt beside my twin sister.

I don’t recognize this number.

I was half-drunk when I stepped out of Carson’s to take the call without music blaring in my ear. The man on the other end of the phone introduced himself as Ethan Prince, and said he would pay me a hundred thousand dollars to come to New York and meet my soulmate. My brain was a little too drenched in liquor to understand everything he was saying, but I wasn’t going to turn down some easy money. A few days later, I had signed a contract and was on my way to meet the mysterious guy who said the fact I didn’t meet my soulmate on the app was a mistake.

Whatever, just give me some fucking money. If I get laid, that can just be a bonus.

I felt something when I first laid eyes on Violet. I was mesmerized by the sight of her. She wasn’t like any woman I had ever seen before. She was definitely the kind of girl I would have considered out of my league—not that it would have stopped me from trying to take her home. When Ethan Prince explained the situation and why we were there, I was even more skeptical than I was when I first heard about the Soulmate app. I watched as a guy who had introduced himself as Boyd went into the room with her, and judging by what I heard, it didn’t sound like they were just having a conversation.

“So you’re cool with your girl just fucking that dude while you sit here?” I looked over at Ethan, who was sipping a glass of whiskey.

“If her algorithm was right, then all of us are her soulmates. I love her, but I’m not jealous. It’s like that part of me doesn’t exist when I’m with Violet.” He shrugged and sipped his drink again.

“What if I want to take her out on a date and steal her away from you? You’re cool with that, too?” I tilted my head to the side.

“If she wants to go on a date with you, that’s fine.” He nodded. “This is about her, not me.”

“Fine, tell her I want to take her out.” I smiled and reached for my beer. “You’re paying though, cause I’m broke as shit.”

“Anything you want, Mr. Rodriguez.” He nodded again. “I think you might be a bit surprised to find out just how special she is—but you’re not stealing her away from me.”

“Well, if my choice is a date or going into to that room with her, I think I’ll just settle on the latter. We still get our hundred thousand dollars, right?” A man dressed in a suit sitting next to me looked over at Ethan.

“You get your money regardless.” Ethan turned towards the door and stood when Boyd exited the room.

“That’s good.” One of the twins spoke and his brother immediately nodded. “We need the cash.”

Whatever Boyd did to Violet, she was done for the night. I wasn’t going to complain about spending the night in a lavish mansion with free drinks and plenty of food. Especially when I was promised a date with Violet, and a hundred grand was as good as mine. It had been a long time since I had been on an actual date. I retired to my room and judging by the noises I heard, Violet was next door to me. It sounded like Ethan was really giving it to her good, so Boyd had apparently not done his job. I took off my clothes, climbed onto the bed, and started stroking my cock to the noises I heard.

If some pussy billionaire can make her moan like that, I bet I can make her scream.

Chapter 10: Violet

“I want you so bad.” I wrapped my arms around Ethan when we were in our bedroom.

Tags: Kelli Callahan Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024