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Secrets & Sin (Surrender to Them 3)

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My life returned to normal after Halloween night, except for the time that I spent with Dante and Shane. We didn’t get many chances to spend the entire night together, but we made the most of the time we had. While we were hot and heavy most of the time, we didn’t have sex every time I visited. Sometimes it was nice to just hang out and talk, or look at their progress on the house. Dante even showed me some of his artwork, which was truly phenomenal. I was falling hard for both of them, but I was staring at an invisible hourglass that was going to eventually run out of sand. I would finish up my classes at the local university in December, and start packing for California. I was really excited when they offered to make an exception and let me enroll for the Winter semester instead of waiting for fall, but after meeting Dante and Shane, I wished I was waiting longer.

The three of us really hadn’t talked much about the future. They made vague comments about keeping me around, but we all understood that time was not on our side. When I wasn’t working on school stuff or visiting them, I was busy transcribing Abigail Herrington’s life. I had the beginning of what I thought was a fairly good screenplay. It was going to be dark and gritty, but that was how her story actually was. The beauty was in how she carved a place for herself in that tumultuous world. It was a story of discovery and triumph, much like the one I was living as I explored my own fantasies with Dante and Shane. I just didn’t know if my own story would end with the kind of happiness she found once she understood who she really was.

“Brianna, Jackie’s here!” My mother’s voice echoed up the stairs.

“Okay, she knows where my room is!” I saved what I was working on and turned off my computer as Jackie walked up the stairs.

“This job is going to kill me.” Jackie didn’t even say hello, she just headed to my bed and crashed face first into the mattress.

“You’re saving money, right? That’s what matters.” I turned my chair towards the bed and shrugged.

“Yeah, but all these hours on my feet. I’m going to have freaking callouses.” Jackie shifted her legs and kicked off her shoes.

“You could always move to California with me.” I tilted my head to the side. “They got jobs out there too. I’m sure you could find something better than what you’re doing here.”

“I wish I could.” She rolled over on her back and groaned. “I can’t afford out of state tuition. If there’s one thing this job has taught me, it’s that I definitely need a degree if I’m going to get a job that doesn’t make me want to jump out of a window.”

“I know.” I nodded in understanding and sighed.

“How are things going with Dante and Shane? Glorious, I’m sure.” She sat up and looked at me.

“I don’t have any complaints.” I shrugged and smiled. “They’re better than I deserve and then some, especially since they know I’m leaving in a couple of months.”

“The old ladies at the grocery store were gossiping about the place the other day. They’re convinced Dante and Shane are long lost relatives of the family that used to live there, back to extract vengeance on the town for betraying them.” Jackie rolled her eyes as she relayed the latest small town dirt.

“I’m pretty sure that story isn’t even true.” I chuckled and rolled my eyes as well. “I think the family just got tired of Bakersfield like everyone else who lives here does eventually.”

“My grandfather always said it was some sort of issue with the will. Who knows.” Jackie shrugged. “They made all their money from working people to death in the coal mines anyway, and there wasn’t much use in staying after it got shut down.”

“Yeah, that’s why my parents always called it blood money. They got rich while the rest of the town buried bodies.” I nodded and shrugged. “But you know how stories go. They get twisted up the more people tell them.”

Which is one of the reasons why Abigail’s diary is so important. It’s a true reflection of how life was like for her without misinformation and second hand tales.

“Are we still on for a movie tonight, or are you going to go see Dante and Shane?” Jackie shifted on the bed and tilted her head.

“Yeah, I stopped by on my way home. They’re not expecting me.” I nodded and stood up to grab my jacket.

“I wonder if the theater would mind if I just went barefoot.” Jackie let out a grunt as she picked up her shoes.

“They probably wouldn’t care if we’re buying a ticket, but knowing your luck? You’d step on a piece of glass and get fired because you couldn’t go to work tomorrow.” I smirked and slid my arms into the jacket sleeves.

“That’s true.” She shook her head and sighed.

Jackie and I opted for the latest romantic comedy movie at our local theater. It had one of her favorite actresses, although she was no longer the dashing young beauty we used to watch when we were kids. We ate too much popcorn and drank so much soda that we had to go to the bathroom halfway through. After the movie was over and I headed home, I realized that was another thing I wouldn’t have much longer. I truly was going to be all alone when I got to California. That feeling was terrifying. I spent my whole life planning to leave Bakersfield to chase my dreams, never expecting that I would find true happiness in the quiet little town. I went to sleep that night depressed, wondering if I was truly making the right decision.

Maybe I don’t want the future I used to dream about anymore. Would I really throw all that away for two guys I’ve only known a couple of weeks?

* * *

The next day

“We have something to show you.” Shane met me at the door with a smile and immediately took my hand. “Come with me!”

“What? Are you that eager to get me to the bedroom?” I giggled as he pulled me towards the stairs.

“Yes, but not the one you expect.” Dante motioned from the top of the stairs.

“This house is fucking crazy.” Shane

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