Shallow (Going Under 2) - Page 34


Let’s go back to my house. Was that an excuse to get me to cool my jets or an invitation for something much different? I had no idea with Payton because she wasn’t like the girls I was used to, but she certainly seemed inclined to get physical and the ride home didn’t make me think otherwise.

She reached for my hand as I pulled away from the cabin and didn’t let go as I drove toward my house to pick up her car. She held it firmly and slowly stroked my arm from my hand up to my bicep and back down the whole way home.

By the time we got to my house, Payton’s touch had me so wound so tightly I thought I might spring at any moment. That was until we pulled up at my house and I saw Ginny’s car parked on the street.

No. Not today. Not right now. Not when Payton had just asked me to go to her house while her parents were still gone. Man, nothing could kill a boner faster than your grandmother. I leaned my head forward and put it on the steering wheel.

“What’s wrong?”

“My grandmother is here.”

She didn’t let go of my hand. “Then you have to go in to see her and we can get together another time.”

There was no way I was letting her get away from me. “Come in with me and meet her.”

“Really? You think I’m grandmother worthy?”

Was she kiddin’ me? She was way beyond grandmother worthy. “Of course. Ginny will love you.”

“Ginny. That’s a cool name for a grandmother.”

“It’s short for Ginger.”

“Yeah. I’ll come in and meet your Ginny if you’re sure I won’t be intruding.”

I couldn’t stop the huge smile that spread across my face as I leaned over and gave her a kiss. “I’m positive.”

We walked through the front door and found Ginny and Dallas in the kitchen. I had forgotten. Today was her day to give Dallas cooking lessons.

I let go of Payton’s hand and went over to kiss my grandmother. “Ginny, I have someone for you to meet. This is Payton Archer.”

My grandmother looked at Payton and then back to me and smiled. Me bringing a girl home had obviously taken her by surprise. “I’m so happy to meet you, Payton.”

Ginny didn’t do handshakes. She was a hugger and she took Payton by surprise when she put the sack of flour down to come over and embrace her. “Are you the girl that’s going to tame my Nickolas?”

“I’m afraid the jury is still out on whether he’s tamable or not.”

I knew my Ginny was in love with Payton when she started laughing. “Oh, she’s saucy, Nickolas.” She wrapped her arm around Payton and pulled her close as she whispered something in her ear she didn’t want me to hear.

Whatever it was made Payton very happy as evidenced by her smile. “I promise. I will definitely do that.”

“Now, Miss Payton. Do you cook?”

“No, ma'am. No one has ever showed me how.”

Ginny went to the closet and pulled out one of Dallas’ extra aprons. “Here, put this on. I’m teaching Dallas how to do fried chicken, smashed potatoes, green beans and biscuits with gravy.“

“No, Ginny. We can’t stay.” I looked at Payton and grinned. “We have somewhere to be.”

Payton slid the apron over her head and tied it around her waist as she smiled at me. “I think we can stay for a little while.”

I conceded and went to the living room to watch television while Ginny had her way with Payton and Dallas. I often heard whispering, followed by a rush of laughter and I was positive they were laughing at me about some sort of nonsense. The weird thing about it was that I’d catch myself smiling when they did it because I liked it. I liked having Payton in my house with my sister and grandmother and I liked the way they were in the kitchen together bonding over fried chicken.

An hour later, Payton came out of the kitchen and sat next to me on the couch. “You’re not mad because I wanted to stay, are you?”

“Of course not.”

“Would you mind if we stayed to eat?”

“I don’t think we have a choice. Ginny isn’t gonna let you do all that work and then watch you leave without eating.”

She leaned over and put her head on my shoulder. “Thank you. I had so much fun and Ginny taught me a lot. I actually made homemade biscuits. I can’t believe it. If they’re terrible, you can’t tell me. It would break my heart.”

“Doll Face, I promise you I’ll never do anything to break your heart.”

“You mean that?”

I kissed the top of her head. “Every word.” And I did mean it. I would rather die than do anything to break this beautiful girl’s heart.

“Ginny said we’d be eating without your dad because he wouldn’t be home from work until later tonight.”

“Yeah, his shift isn’t over until seven and he usually doesn’t get home until almost eight.”

“Okay. We’ll save him a plate.” She got up from the couch and tugged on me to coax me up. “Get in here and try my food.”

I probably ate too fast. One...because it was so good and two...because I was ready to get some alone time with Payton back at her house. I mentally screamed when she offered to help clean up after dinner, so I got in there and helped to speed up the process.

Dallas took note of my never seen before help. “You never help clean after a meal. Trying to make a good impression with Payton?”

“Yeah, that’s it,” I lied because it was easier that way. I put the last dish into the cabinet and made our getaway announcement as I went over to kiss my grandmother. “We’ve got to go, Ginny. Thanks for supper. It was great as always.”

“Don’t forget that your Payton cooked a lot of it.”

My Payton. Hmm, I liked that.

Payton slipped off her apron and passed it to Dallas before she went over to give my grandmother a hug. “Thank you for everything you taught me.”

“I come once a week to teach Dallas and I’d love to have you back.”

“I would love that.” She turned to me as if to ask permission and I shrugged, letting her know that it was her decision and fine by me. The thought of Payton spending time with my family made me very happy, but nothing could make me as happy as getting her alone again and that was next on my agenda.

17 A Part of Nick


We came in through the front door instead of using the garage. Nick had his arms around me so he used his foot to kick it closed. He slid his arms down around my waist and squeezed me in a tight bear hug as he lifted my feet from the floor. When he finished, he put me back down and scanned the house. “You’re sure your parents aren’t here?”

Tags: Georgia Cates Going Under
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024