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Arson & Ache (Surrender to Them 8)

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His growls were so fucking hot. Being told that I belonged to him was something I never knew I could desire, yet it felt so natural. He forced another orgasm from my exhausted body. The pressure released with an intensity that echoed through every muscle. I was taki

ng another trip to paradise with Kincaid as my guide. His cock started to pulsate, and I felt the release send cum surging through his shaft and into his condom. He unloaded inside me and there was nothing I could do to stop the orgasm that spun out of control. My pussy spasmed on his cock so hard that it hurt, but the pain was glorious. We connected on a plane of pleasure that shouldn’t have existed, yet it belonged to us. Our bodies felt like they were seared together. He kept thrusting until every twinge of pleasure was gone from me and all the cum had been drained from his balls. He didn’t move or shift, he just fell against me and crushed my lips beneath his.

Oh my god—don’t kiss me like this! I’ll get turned on again!

Kincaid’s hips slowly moved while he forced his tongue into my mouth. The afterglow was like nirvana and heaven mixing together, but his gentle thrusts didn’t let me rest. I had a mini-orgasm after a few thrusts but thankfully, it wasn’t the kind that devoured my soul. He kissed and slowly fucked me for several minutes until I felt another twinge in his shaft. It wasn’t a huge release, but it was enough for me to feel the rush as he let one last moment of bliss surge through his cock. He finally pulled back from our kiss and I needed oxygen, but I was too tired to even gasp. He crashed into the bed next to me, or at least what was left of it, and pulled me into his arms. I was completely gone—I could have slept without closing my eyes. Donovan leaned forward and yanked the cord out of the wall that was connected to the lamp now laying on its side. The room was plunged into darkness and our breathing slowed. I was so tired that I felt like I could sleep for an entire day without being fully recovered.

I’m definitely spending the night. They would have to carry me out of here at this point.


The next day

I woke up to a vision of loveliness next to me in bed. Marissa was gorgeous, even when she was asleep with the passion drained from her face. I managed to keep the possessive beast that normally wanted to claim beneath the surface for the most part. Even when I said the words into her ear, I knew there was an asterisk next to my desires. Donovan. I could never make Marissa mine—not exclusively. That was tough for me to swallow because I had let lust guide me towards our night together, but a stronger desire than that was simmering underneath my skin. Donovan and I had rubbed off on each other a little bit. He saw some of that fury that resonated when true desire transcended sex. I chased lust when I didn’t know there was more waiting on the other side of the night. The three of us together? He certainly believed it could work, but I was struggling with it. Sharing her was an amazing experience, but would that be the foundation of a future that included more than fucking?

I need coffee, even if it isn’t enough to fully clear my head.

I rolled out of bed and found a pair of jeans in the closet without waking them up. The aroma of the coffee pot would probably do the trick, but I wanted them to sleep as long as possible. Donovan and I had a few conversations about our perspectives on life. He wasn’t the type to commit to a woman, yet he seemed to be there with Marissa. I wasn’t the type to crawl into bed with a woman I didn’t actually care about. Caring often led to the possessiveness that pushed away my last girlfriend. Marissa’s will was even stronger. I would always have to compromise in order to quell the beast, but I wanted to give it a shot. I wanted to be a better man, because the one who loved so recklessly and gave everything just kept leaving me broken. I had to find balance. Maybe the three of us could find that together but getting there seemed like a rough endeavor. It was going to tear at the core of who I was.

If I can wrap myself around the moment, like Donovan does so easily, maybe there could be a chance…

I fixed a pot of coffee, but even the aroma of caffeine in the air wasn’t enough to lure them from the depths of their exhaustion. It barely opened my eyes—it had been a long time since I was that worn out. I chased my desires without much thought because they were truly remarkable. Marissa was amazing and while she was a virgin when we took her bed, she knew what she wanted. She understood her own needs and begged for them to be satisfied. I watched her sleep for several minutes and felt a gnawing hunger that overpowered my desire to crawl back into bed next to her. I walked back to the kitchen, poured a second cup of coffee, and then started making breakfast. The smell of coffee wasn’t enough to stir either of them, but bacon did the trick for Donovan. He came stumbling into the kitchen once it began to sizzle, wiping his eyes and yawning.

“Marissa isn’t awake?” I looked at him in surprise and turned over an empty cup, so he could pour some coffee.

“No, she’s out like a light.” He chuckled and sat down at the table once his coffee was poured. “I guess she wasn’t ready for a full night of passion.”

“She was ready—even if it takes a little longer for her to recover.” I smiled and used a pair of tongs to flip the bacon, so the other side could cook.

“So, I guess you’re ready for a relationship that involves the three of us?” Donovan looked over at me as I turned towards him.

“I’m coming around to the idea.” I nodded slowly. “It’s just tough—you know how I am.”

“Yes, and I know what that did to the relationships you’ve had in the past.” He shrugged and sipped his coffee. “I’m no saint and I’ll never claim to be one. I don’t hide from who am and neither do you, but obviously it isn’t working. Otherwise we’d be married with kids by now.”

“I guess so.” I nodded again and turned to wait for the bacon to finish. “At least you have an excuse. You saw how fucked up relationships can be when they go south without ever having to live through it.”

“The best gift my Dad ever gave me.” Donovan exhaled sharply. “But now I’m starting to wonder if he was just a cheating asshole.”

“It took you this long to figure that out?” I smirked and shook my head. “It’s possible to find the right woman, but you have to be open to it.”

“I think I was just looking in the wrong places. My eyes are definitely open now.” He sighed and sipped his coffee. “I just don’t want to get too far into this unless I know you’re committed to the same thing I am.”

“I wouldn’t have slept with her if I didn’t feel a connection. You’ll just have to trust me on it. I may not be there yet, but I want to be—I just have to get past my own shit.” I pulled the bacon out of the pan and dropped it on a plate.

“You seem to have dialed it back a lot. Granted, I’ve never seen what you told me about, but it didn’t seem so bad last night.” Donovan raised his eyebrows and titled his head. “Surely that has to mean something.”

“It does.” I nodded and poured scrambled eggs into the bacon grease. “It’s new to me, but I see the positive side of taking a calmer approach—I wasn’t the one who broke the bed.”

“Yeah.” Donovan chuckled. “I didn’t see that coming—not with a virgin.”

I finished cooking breakfast and decided to go wake Marissa up before we started eating. I knew she would be hungry, even if she was still exhausted. I walked into the bedroom and looked at her gorgeous curves illuminated by the early sunrise. Fuck, she was so damn beautiful. My cock started to get hard in my jeans. I wanted her so fucking bad. I took a deep breath and willed the lust to subside as I sat down on the side of the bed and gently nudged her. Her eyes opened slowly, and a smile spread across her face, but that turned to a grimace when she tried to move. She was feeling it—a price she would pay for the passion we shared. She slowly got out of bed and hugged me without saying anything. After digging through some of the debris from last night she found a discarded shirt to pull on and then we walked to the kitchen.

“Ah, you’re finally awake.” Donovan grinned and hopped up to pour her a cup of coffee.

“Yeah, I’m not sure how I’m even able to stand.” She sat down slowly. “If that’s what one night is like, I might never make it to Monday.”

“Does that mean you’ll stay tonight too?” I raised my eyebrows inquisitively.

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