Mr Spencer (Mr. 2) - Page 264

He frowns. “Why?”

“Because she needs you, and only you.”

His eye

s hold mine.

“She told me that she’s closest to you.”

His eyes drop to the floor. “I haven’t been around for her lately.”

“You had your own shit going on. She understands.”

He thinks for a moment. “Okay. I’ll go.”

“Thank you.” I force a smile. “She’s at the Four Seasons in Maui.”

“If you know where she is, why didn’t you go to her yourself?”

“Because it was her decision to leave.” I pause for a moment. “She needs to come back to me of her own free will. I would never force her into something that she doesn’t want. I love her too much to try and control her. She’s been controlled enough in her life already.”

He exhales heavily. “You know, under different circumstances, I’d probably think you weren’t a bad bloke.” He shakes his head. “This is fucked up.”

“I know.” I smirk.

He turns to me. “So, will you help me?”

“I’ll lose Charlotte if I do. She won’t deal with that kind of publicity.”

His eyes hold mine. “I hate to tell you this, Spencer, but you’ve already lost her. She’s gone, man.”

I drop my head and stare at the floor.…what if he’s right?

“I’m sorry, I really am.” He sighs. “But I can’t stay married to this woman, and I can’t lose my son.” His eyes search mine. “Say you’ll help me.”

* * *


The eagle hovers over the water watching her prey. What must it be like to be a bird? To have no responsibilities, no expectations.

No heartbreak.

I’m on the deckchair under the big umbrella, staring out at the ocean. It’s nearing 4:00 p.m. and the sun is still warm on my skin. I have a cocktail beside me and have just been for a swim. Maui is beautiful—the perfect place to escape.

If only he were here with me.

I close my eyes, stop it, stop thinking about him.

It’s over.

It’s been a long few days. I bought my ticket with cash at the Heathrow airport so that they couldn’t track me. I had a lot of time, and stupidly, I bought all of the magazines, just to see what they were saying about us. I don’t know why but I needed to know.

I shouldn’t have. I should have listened to Spencer and stayed away. It resulted in me crying silent tears for most of the trip, London to LA with a four hour wait for a connecting flight to Maui. Headline after headline about Spencer sleeping his way through the Prescott family assaulted me. Images of him have surfaced with every woman on Earth, and I know that they are old pictures but it just adds to the insult.

The footage of the horrific moment has been played on TMZ, too. It was uploaded by a person who was eating in the restaurant at the time. William’s anger, my horror, and then my hysterical tears as Edward went ballistic…

I’ve never been more ashamed.

Tags: T.L. Swan Mr. Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024