Mr Spencer (Mr. 2) - Page 274

my love for you is tainted this way.

You deserve better.

Not all love stories have a happy ending, my darling.

Some are beautiful, some are fearsome, and some are tragic,

Our love story is all of those things,

I’m letting you go, Spence.

You will always be the love of my life,

the man who taught me who I really was.

My soul mate and my everything.

Please remember me with love,

sweetheart, and with time, I know you will understand.

Love should never be tainted, especially not one as beautiful as ours.

I love you.

Dream catch me when I fall.

I screw up the letter and stare at the flames of the fire.

Dream catch me when I fall.

For some sick fucked up reason I need to hear it. I need to hear our song one more time. I flick through Spotify and hit play.

I sit and stare at the fire as the tantric beat of the song plays all around me, and I listen on as the lyrics tear open the last pieces of my heart.

She doesn’t love me enough.

I throw her letter into the flames and watch it slowly burn as the melody comes to an end.

Dream catch me when I fall.

Or else I won’t come back at all.

I dig in my pocket and take out the engagement ring that I bought her. All I can do is stare at it.

I had so much hope and so many dreams for us when I picked it.

Cheers erupt in the distance, and I look up to see the fireworks going off over the water.

It’s midnight—the end of one year, the beginning of another. A celebration for most.

The end of the world for me.

I walk to the balcony’s edge, and I stare at the diamond ring through tears. The lump in my throat is painful.

Anger surges through me, and I throw the ring as hard as I can over the cliff.

I watch it bounce from the rocks and disappear into the night. Emotion overtakes me, and I sob, my breath quivering with every breath I suck in.

Tags: T.L. Swan Mr. Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024