Our Way - Page 71

“Did you like it?”

“Will you stop it?”

“No, this was always going to happen. He adores you, I could see that from the day I first met him and saw you together.”

“Have you forgotten one very important detail?” I whisper. “He likes men.”

“And you, apparently.” I can tell she’s smiling.

“This isn’t funny.”

“It kind of is.” She laughs. “Stop being frigid and just have sex with him to find out if he’s as hot as I imagine he is. I want all the details.”

“Oh my God!” I snap. “You are no help.”

She laughs again.

“How are you anyway?” I ask. “Settling in any better?”

“Ugh, I don’t know if I’ve done the right thing, Lize. I feel like a fish out of water over here.”

“Oh no, why?”

“I don’t know.” She sighs. “Everyone in the dorms is just so young and into partying, you know? I knew I’d be a little older than everyone, and it’s one of the reasons I came to London. It was the only place I could get a full scholarship that included all my accommodation. But seriously, the drugs, the orgies, the fake giggles… it’s just not my style.”

“They’ll settle down. Surely they can’t keep this up. What is it, like, week eight?”

“It’s getting worse, not better.”

“Why don’t you move into your own place?”

“Have you seen the price of rent for apartments in London? It’s ludicrous. Even the dumps are way out of my price point.”

I exhale heavily. “Hang in there, babe. Try and find a better paying job.”

“I am.”

I smile. “I’m so proud of you.”

“Thanks, Lize. Some days I think I must be crazy.”

April broke up with her fiancé when she caught him cheating with a girl he worked with. He broke her heart. She packed her clothes and left everything in their house which they had bought together. She’s now following her dream to become a lawyer, and she’s starting over from scratch with nothing to her name.

She’s the bravest, badass bitch I know.

“How’s the coffee house going?” I ask.

“Good. I love it there, and the girls I work with are so nice. We’re going out on the weekend.”

“See? You’ll settle in, I know you will, and I’m going to come and see you as soon as I can.”

“Great, now go talk to Nathan. I’m sure he’s as stressed as you are.”

“Yeah, I guess.” I sigh.

“Call me tonight.”

“Okay, love you.”

Tags: T.L. Swan Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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