Our Way - Page 311

“Do you want some wine, Daddy?” I smile to soften the blow.

He closes his eyes as he holds in his tantrum that he desperately wants to have. “Yes. Yes, I fucking do.”

The End.

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There are no words meaningful enough to

thank my wonderful team.

I don’t write my books alone. I have an army.

The best army in the world.

Kellie, the most wonderful PA on Earth.

You are amazing. Thank you for all that you do for me.

Keeley, not only are you an amazing daughter, but you’re now a wonderful employee. Thank you for wanting to work alongside me. It means a lot.

To my wonderful beta readers: Vicki, Am, Rachel, Nicole, Lisa K, Lisa D, Nadia, and Charlotte. Thank you. You put up with a lot and never whine, even when I make you wait for the next chapter. How I got so lucky to have you come into my life, and to be able to call you my friends, I will never know.

To Rena, you came into my life like a breath of fresh air and somehow adopted me.

Thank you for believing in me. You’re the Ying to my Yang, or the Ting to my Tang.

Vic, you make me better, and your friendship is so valued.

Lindsey & Linda, thank you for everything you do for me.

It is so appreciated.

To my motivated mofos. I love you to bits.

You know who you are.

To Linda and my PR Team at Forward.

You have been with me since the beginning and

you will be with me until the end.

Thank you for everything.

To my home girls in the Swan Squad.

I feel like I can do anything with you girls in my corner. Thanks for making me laugh every single day.

This year I’m adding someone new to my list.

Tags: T.L. Swan Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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