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The Italian

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I open the menu to distract her. “The linguini is spectacular.”

“Hmm, all my cardio training is going down the drain tonight. Carbohydrate coma, here I come.”

“Your drinks.” Mario puts our drinks on the table. “I will give you some more time.”

Olivia holds up her margarita glass, and I clink it with mine. I smile and go back to reading the menu.

“I’ve had a good day, you know?” Olivia says.

“Why is that?”

“I went to the gym and found an apartment.”

I look up. “You found an apartment?”

“Yes, it’s lovely, and not far from my work and my gym.”

I keep reading my menu and exhale as I try to keep my cool. “I don’t know where I want you to live yet.”

She looks up, surprised by my statement. “What is that supposed to mean?”

“It means I don’t know where I want you to live yet. I want tight security around you. I will organize something for you. I’ll look into what properties of mine are vacant first thing in the morning.”

“This is our first date, what are you talking about?” She rearranges her napkin on her lap. “I don’t want to live in one of your apartments, I’m not.”

I glare at her across the table. “Why are you so difficult?”

“Why are you so domineering?”

“It’s a safety issue, Olivia.”

She rolls her eyes. “You are overdramatic, Mr. Ferrara.”

I sip my drink as I try to reign in my temper.

She shakes her head as if shaking off her annoyance. “Anyway,” she continues. “Let’s talk about you, for once. We always talk about me. You know everything about me, and I know nothing about you.”

I feel my chest tighten and I sip my drink. “I think I’m having the linguini,” I say to change the subject. “What are you having?”

“Tell me about your work,” she asks.

“What do you want to know?”

She frowns as she thinks for a moment. “After the accident, you took over the family businesses, yes?”


“All of them?”

“I became the CEO of the company, so yes. But there are many staff under me that had worked alongside my father and grandfather, and they continue to do what they did before.”

“It’s a lot of responsibility.”

“It is.”

She puts her hand under her chin and studies me. “It must be terrifying. The thought that you could fuck everything up.”

I stare at her for a moment. “You’re the first person who has ever said that to me.”

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