The Italian - Page 176

“Ouch,” I wince. “I’m confused, though. How can I help from Australia?”

“Up until now, we’ve had no way of getting close to him.” They bring up an image of a beautiful blonde woman. She’s around my age, and she’s getting out of a car with what looks like a bodyguard beside her. “Meet Olivia Reynolds. Enrico’s new love interest.”

I stare at the woman on my screen.

“We interviewed her on Friday, under the guise of a missing person she knew.”


“She lied for Enrico. She pretended she didn’t know him.”

“Which means she’s on the inside.”

“Exactly. We want you to become her new best friend. You will move to Italy. Go to her gym, pretend that you, like her, have moved to Italy to be with your boyfriend. You will mix with her socially.”

I smile.

“You’re the same age as her, come from the same country, and you will have a lot in common. You need to gain her complete trust.”

I smile broadly.

“We need full access to Enrico Ferrara to be able to bring him down. Can you help us, Jessica?”

Excitement rushes through me. “Assignment accepted.”



Three hours earlier.

Rico stares at his reflection in the mirror. He straightens his tie and dust his hands over his pants.

“We’ll talk more tonight, okay?” I kiss him softly. I can feel the anger oozing out of him like a volcano that’s about to explode. “Try and be calm.” I straighten his collar. “Just don’t say anything more until you cool down.”

He stares at me flatly, and his jaw ticks. “I have to go.” He kisses me, and I cling to him, trying my hardest to give him some of my strength.

“I love you.” I smile up at him.

He exhales heavily. “That’s the only light in my life at the moment.” He kisses me again. “Stay with your guards today. I’ll be rotating them with new ones to replace Lorenzo and Maso.”


“I’m done with their deception. I’m letting them both go.”

“Rici,” I whisper. “Just wait for a week and see how you feel about it then. Besides, I’m comfortable with Lorenzo. I don’t want another man with me.”

Rico picks up his briefcase. “You will do as you’re told. Goodbye, Olivia.”

I smirk at his bossiness. “Bye.”

I go to the window and look out through the sheer drapes. I watch him leave the house in a rush. Lorenzo approaches him and they appear to exchange heated words. There are four men standing around, all hanging back, as if too scared to say anything. Enrico goes into the garages, and then drives out in his Ferrari. Lorenzo taps on the car window and says something before Rico speeds off at a million miles an hour.

I exhale heavily.

I continue watching the men down on the front lawn. There’s Lorenzo, Maso, and two new ones today. I watch them for a moment when I realize one of them is the guy who asked for my number at the ball.

Imagine if Enrico knew that he asked me out. I wince as I imagine the tantrum he would have. The guard is handsome, with brown hair that has a honey hue to it. What was his name again?

Tags: T.L. Swan Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024