The Italian - Page 271

He steps forward.

The kids got guts; I’ll give him that.

“Over my dead body will you ever see Francesca again,” I sneer.

He growls at me through gritted teeth, and I turn to get into the car. Once inside, I slam the door.

“Drive!” I yell to Antonio. I turn to Francesca who is crying in the backseat.

“I hate you, Enrico,” she cries.

I turn back to the road and drag my hands through my hair.

I can’t even speak to her, I’m too angry. This situation is completely out of control.

What the actual fuck just happened?

He’s her brother.

* * *

“Enrico, can I see you for a moment?” Marly asks as he pokes his head around my office door.

“Yes, please come in.”

Lorenzo stands to leave, and Marly looks between us. “Can you stay, Lorenzo?”

Lorenzo’s eyes meet mine. “Sure.” He falls back into his seat.

Marly falls into the seat. He seems nervous. “I had a phone call today from a private number.”


“Someone offered me ten million euros to kill you.”


He swallows nervously. “Lucky Lombardi is trying to recruit someone from your own team to kill you.”

I stare at him, lost for words.

“What?” Lorenzo explodes as he jumps from his chair. “Are you serious?”

“Yes.” He twists his hands nervously in front of him. “I told him I would do it, because I didn’t want him to contact anyone else. It will buy us some time. If I said no, he would have offered it to someone else. This way, he thinks I am going to do it.”

“Good thinking, Marly. Well done,” Lorenzo tells him.

I begin to hear my heartbeat in my ears, and I go to the window and stare out the city.

My inside team? Who can I trust now?

“He’s gone too far!” Lorenzo barks. “I’m going to kill him with my bare hands.”

“Who else has he contacted?” I ask. What if he bribes one of Olivia’s guards?

“Nobody would ever take a deal, Enrico. Our men are family.”

She’s in danger.

Tags: T.L. Swan Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024