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The Italian

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I run out to see our men running toward the stairwell on high alert.

I grab my gun and follow them. I take the steps two at a time.

Hurry, hurry.

The door opens in the foyer, and my heart drops at the sheer horror before me.

I see Sergio lying in a crumpled heap—a bullet hole in his head. His brains are scattered across the marble floor.

Next to him lies Sophia, her lifeless eyes staring up at the ceiling. She’s still clutching her designer bag.

I drop to the floor beside her. “Sophia,” I whisper as I pick up her hand. “Sophia, Sophia!” I cry.

A puddle of dark blood pools around her, and I see that she’s been shot through the chest.

I shake her. “Wake up, wake up.” I look up at the surrounding buildings around us.

My blood runs cold. Dear God.

I look back down as I watch the life slip away from her.

She’s dead.



“This way, Mr. Ferrara.”

I’m led into the police station by an officer for routine questioning over Sophia and Sergio’s deaths.

I’m shaken to my very core.


They died because of me.

Once in the interview room, I take a seat. “The chief will be here in a moment, sir.”

I force a smile. “Thank you.”

I sit for five minutes in the silence, my mind going over and over the last hour.

I keep hearing the gunshots—seeing their crumpled bodies. I hear the ambulance sirens in the distance as they arrived.

I watch them being put onto stretchers as paparazzi cameras click and click and click without remorse.

This is a dark day.

I think back to how hard and cold I was to Sophia only moments before she died. Because of me.

My chest constricts, and I inhale through a shaky breath.

The door opens and Renaldo, my old friend, comes into view. He’s the Chief of Police here in Milan now. He walks in and immediately turns the tape recording off.

“Enrico, my friend.” He smiles.

I stand, relieved to see his face. We hug.

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