The Italian - Page 280

Good always wins over evil.

Enrico Ferrara is a good man. He’s the best.

I snuggle into his back. Eventually he rolls over, and we lie face to face on our sides.

“Hi.” I smile softly.


He looks so sad.

“I’m sorry I blamed you,” I whisper.

“Don’t be. It is my fault.” He eyes hold mine and we lie in silence for a while, both deep in thought. He reaches up and trails his finger down my bare arm. “Having second thoughts about a life with me?”

“No.” His face is solemn. “Why would you even say that?” I pull him into an embrace. “I love you. I would never have second thoughts about us. This isn’t your fault, Rico. You can’t help the things that your family have done before you. Tell me about this madman.”

He sighs. “About six months ago, this guy started recruiting men.” He pauses, as if searching for the right words. “He’s burned down five of our brothels. He murdered one of the working girls in Sicily. He even carved his name into her face as a warning to me.”

My face falls. “What does he want?”

“The brothels.”

“Give them to him.”

“It doesn’t work like that.” He sighs sadly. “He’ll beat the girls, get them addicted to drugs, and eventually kill them if they ever try and leave. If I hand him the brothels, I hand over their lives, too.” He fiddles with the sheets between us. “And then he’ll come after us, anyway. It’s a power thing now, and he wants control. The ultimate trophy would be a Ferrara skull.”

Fear runs through me. “Did you tell the police this?”

“Yes, they know what he is: the worst of the worst. He’s killed about fifteen people so far, and those are only the ones the police know about. They want him, too.”

“God, this is one big mess.”

His eyes find mine. “This is why I can’t let you go to work anymore, Olivia. We can’t guard you properly while you’re there. Too many people come and go from your building every day. I know this is overwhelming but I promise you, it will pass. These uprises happen fr

om time to time, and we always win. It’s just taking a little longer than usual to find this guy.”

“Do you think he’s going to try and kill you? And be honest with me… please.”

“I’m not worried about my life.”

My eyes search his as the real reason for his fear presents itself. “You think he’s going to try and kill me next, don’t you?”

He swallows the lump in his throat and tucks a piece of my hair behind my ear. “If anyone wanted to hurt me, that’s the only way they could.”

My eyes fill with tears.

“I’m sorry, baby.” He sighs sadly. “I’m sorry that I dragged you into this life.”

Empathy fills me. “Rici,” I whisper. I pick up his hand and put it over my stomach. “Do you feel this?” I ask.

His hand spreads over my stomach as if it’s magical. Maybe it is.

“We’re having a baby.” I kiss him softly. “And we’re starting our life together—the three of us together. I’ll be fine. You have men everywhere. Nobody can get to us. I’m not going to leave the house until the police find this man, and then we can fight this bogus drug charge. You have the best lawyers who will get you off this. Of course they will because you’re innocent.”

He buries his head into my shoulder and holds me tight in his arms. I can feel his fear in his vise-like grip.

“Promise me you won’t die,” he mutters against my neck.

Tags: T.L. Swan Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024