Stanton Box Set - Page 542

The young kid looks up surprised, smiles broadly and walks over to my ce


My eyes meet his. “You know everyone in here. Can you get me something?” I ask.

“Like what?” he asks.

“Heroin,” I reply.

He frowns. “What do you want that shit for?” he frowns. “You’re not a junkie.”

I bite my lip as I think of the appropriate answer.

“I can transfer a million dollars today for you,” I reply.

His face drops. “You will transfer me a million dollars to get you some heroin?” he repeats. “How much do you want?”

I lift my chin defiantly.

“A lot.”

I sit at the window of the visiting room as I wait for Cameron and the door opens and his smiling face comes into view. A sense of calm sweeps over me and I smile in return.

“Hey mate,” he says softly into the phone.

“Hi,” I smile in return.

“You ok. What’s wrong?” Cameron asks.

I shake my head. “Nothing, why?”

He frowns. “You have never rung me and asked me to come down here to see you, so I thought something may have been wrong. I was coming down on Saturday.” He hesitates as his eyes hold mine.

“To visit me on my wedding day,” I reply.

He nods as he bites his bottom lip.

“Can you do something for me?” I ask.

He nods. “Sure.”

“Can you go and pick up my suit from the tailors please?”

He frowns. “Which one?”

“My wedding suit,” I reply.

His questioning eyes hold mine. “What do you need that for?” he asks as his mind ticks over.

I shrug. “I just want it.” I pause before I ask him the next question. “Can you pick up my wedding ring also?”

“Yeah ok. I will swing by next week,” he replies casually.

“No, now. Today,” I answer without thinking.

He frowns. “Josh, why do you need your wedding suit and your ring now?”

I bite my bottom lip as I think of the appropriate answer. “I just want them in the house before the wedding date, that’s all,” I reply. “If we don’t pick them up now I may never get them.”

Tags: T.L. Swan Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024