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Stanton Box Set

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I drop my head as the sound of broken hearts sob. Brock breaks the moment and wraps his arms around us and we all embrace.

“Enough sadness.” He smiles as he wipes his face and we all shake our heads as we pull ourselves together.

Abbie sticks her head around the door. “It’s time.” She is smiling but her face falls when she sees we are all in tears. “Those better be fucking happy tears.” She smiles and we all laugh.

Brock holds his arm out for me, I take it and we follow Bridget and Abbie as we walk out over the pool and around to the metal gates. I stand at the top of the stairs as the wind catches my face and I smile when I see Joshua, Cameron and Adrian standing at the flower-adorned altar. The violinist starts to play a traditional wedding song and slowly, as goosebumps cover my skin, we make our way down the steps. Joshua looks up and sees me and instantly his eyes cloud over in emotion and I see him swallow the lump in his throat. I break

into a full-beam smile and I want to run and jump into his arms but instead I somehow hold it together and we walk up the aisle between our closest family and friends. This walk seems never-ending. When finally we get to Joshua, he shakes Brock’s hand and he then takes mine. Unable to help it I lean up to gently kiss him.

“Hello,” I whisper.

“Hello, my beautiful bride,” he whispers back. He kisses me again and then again, and then our kiss turns passionate and we forget where we are and our family all laugh and clap. Realisation hits and I giggle into his kiss and pull back. We turn around to everyone and they all laugh and shake their heads.

Embarrassed, we turn back to face the minister.

And then I am lost. I watch in slow motion as the beautiful man in front of me declares his love and I declare mine.

“Do you, Joshua Stanton, take Natasha Marx to be your wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do you part?”

His eyes hold mine and my heart stops.

“I do,” he replies.

And then it’s my turn

“Do you, Natasha Marx, take Joshua Stanton to be your husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do you part?”

I smile broadly. “I do,” I reply.

Joshua places the gold band on my finger and I place one on his and we both laugh out loud and our family claps and cheers.

“You may kiss the bride.

I now pronounce you husband and wife.”

Joshua’s eyes meet mine and I smile through my tears. To the sounds of our friends and family cheering, he tenderly kisses me and as my eyes close I melt into a new kind of wonderful.

As long as he loves me, there will always be magic.

Thank you for reading

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