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Wild Sexy Fix (Wild Sexy 2)

Page 21

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My breath hitched. I had never imagined that hearing myself described like that by a guy would hurt, but it did, because for the first time in my life, I was with someone I wanted to think of me as so much more than a booty call…the way I’d been thinking of him for a while.

I forced a smile and turned back to face the view of the park so he wouldn’t see me blinking back the moisture in my eyes. “It’s nice up here,” I said softly.

“You already said that.” There was something hard in his voice that hadn’t been there before.

I turned back to him with a smile, my emotions in check. “We should go back before they start wondering where we are.”

“I don’t…” He stopped and took a deep breath. “Yeah, you’re right. If we spend too much time together, we might have to admit to the people we know that we’re fucking, and God forbid maybe even have to define our relationship.” He held out his hand to me. “Come on then, let’s go.”

I was taken aback by his outburst. “Is there something you want to say to me, Jason?”

He stared at me, his eyes glittering in the dark, and then he shook his head. “No.”

I followed him back to the gallery, not sure what was going on between us, but there was no time to think about it. Colin had arrived, and he and Amy were kissing, oblivious to anything going on around them.

“Hey guys,” I said, announcing our presence.

They broke apart and Amy grinned at me. “Colin just arrived,” she said breathlessly.

“I can see that,” I teased. “Hi Colin.”

“Hi Daph. What’s up?”

I shrugged. “Not much.”

“Nice turnout,” he said to Jason, impressed. “I’ve heard a lot of great things about Verge. Congratulations.”

“Thank you,” Jason said. “How’s work?”

Colin made a face. “Okay.” He looked from Jason’s face to mine, curiosity evident in his gaze, but if he suspected anything, he didn’t say it.

“We’re going to leave,” Amy told me. “Private party for two at Colin’s.”

I rolled my eyes. “I thought we were having dinner together.”

“Are we?” Amy turned a confused glance to Jason.

“I was going to suggest that, but you guys go on. I’ll take Daphne home when she’s ready.”

After they left, we remained on the gallery for a while. There was a short performance by a well-known hip-hop artist then the DJ took over again. Jason’s eyes scanned the room below, and I wondered what he was thinking. Across the club, the model was now dancing with the geeky CEO, who looked like he would combust right there. I was about to mention my theories on their future to Jason when somebody jostled me. I fell into Jason’s body, and he steadied me with his strong hands.

“I’m so sorry.” The person who’d bumped into me apologized then smiled brightly. “Oh, it’s you.”

“Zane.” I smiled faintly. It was the guy I’d reconnected with at Candace’s party. He’d never called, and with everything going on with Jason, I had forgotten about him. “What are you doing here?” I asked pleasantly.

“Well, my roommate, the spoken word artist, also works in tech—this company actually.” He inclined his head at the brilliantly lit displays. “He dragged me along, and now I’m glad I came.”

“Really?” I laughed. “Why?”

“Because you’re here.” He leaned closer. “I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking I’m full of shit because I never called, but once burned…” He held up his hands. “I kept typing messages and deleting them. I don’t have the heart to be rejected by the sexiest girl at the party more than once in my lifetime.”

I heard Jason straighten behind me. He didn’t say anything, but Zane took notice. He looked from me to Jason then back at me. “I’m Zane,” he said slowly, unsure of himself. He frowned in my direction. “Are you guys together?”

“Yes,” Jason said.

“No,” I said at the exact same time.

I felt Jason stiffen and I swallowed, unsure how to proceed. What he’d said outside on the balcony had made it clear to me that he didn’t consider us to be a couple, and I’d responded to Zane based on that knowledge. What was I supposed to do? Announce my hope that we meant more to each other than casual sex when he had made it clear that was all we were?

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