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“Honey, could you ask Blythe if Jackson’s told her when he’ll be back?” Aunt Constance looks up from the sheet of paper she’s studying on the desk. We’re in the study, and she’s going over the menu for Jackson's graduation party for like the hundredth time. Even though she’s been up all day planning the party, she still looks flawless, her hair held up in a small French knot, and her clothes smooth and perfect. Trying to look as good as she does all the time is as daunting for me as it’s effortless for her. Sometimes I believe that she would look perfect and put together even in a storm.

“I’ll ask,” I reply, leaving the study to find Blythe, and thinking that perhaps I should just call and ask Jackson myself. Carter is with Blythe by the pool, and they've been making out and God-knows-what-else all afternoon. She’s totally useless to anyone else when Carter is around, not that I blame her, not when I know what it feels like to be with the person you love.

Outside on the patio, the day is sunny and bright, and on the far side of the lawn across from the pool, I can see the workmen still setting up the buffet tables. I make my way to the pool, and as I already knew, Blythe and Carter, are lying on one of the loungers, kissing enthusiastically.

I want to say ‘get a room,’ and I know they probably will. For a second, I allow myself to wonder what it would feel like not to care who knew that I was in love with Jackson, to be able to kiss him and touch him anywhere and at any time. I can't help feeling a little jealous.

“Hey,” I call out.

They ignore me of course, too intent on sucking each other’s faces.

“Hey Blythe,” I say a little louder.

Blythe finally pulls her mouth from Carter’s and turns to face me. I pretend not to see Carter pulling his hand out of the waistband of her shorts. She looks hot, sweaty, and in need of a dip in the pool, or a cold shower, or both.

“Nice timing Livvie,” She says with a sigh.

“Hi Livvie.” Carter echoes with a smirk in my direction.

“Hi Carter.” I reply, resisting the urge to respond to his smirk with a frown. It’s easy to see why Blythe likes him. He's incredibly handsome, with the kind of good looks that are so perfect that it’s sometimes hard to look at him and not gawk. Aunt Constance does not approve of him, and her reservations have driven a small wedge between her and Blythe. I’m not exactly sure, but I think Aunt Constance’s disapproval may have something to do with the blank look that never quite leaves Carter’s face thes

e days, and the way his eyes sometimes burn brightly when he comes out of the bathroom. I don't know all the signs of drug addiction, but I’m sure Aunt Constance suspects him of being an addict.

“Aunt Constance wants to know if Jackson’s told you when he’ll get home,” I tell Blythe. Jackson is driving down from Boston, and Aunt Constance is concerned that he should have time to rest before the party.

“No,” Blythe frowns, “Is she worried? I’m sure he'll turn up. Jackson wouldn’t miss his own party.”

“Why don’t you call him?” Carter says, winking at me as he strokes his fingers slowly up and down Blythe’s arm.

She turns back to him, and they start to kiss again. I realize I’ve been dismissed, and go back into the house, frowning as I realize that Carter’s stepsister, Jackson’s ex Lindsay will probably be here tonight.

The last time I saw her in town, she took one look at the necklace Jackson gave me for my last birthday and gave me a glare that was scornful and chilling at the same time. I know she’s aware that Jackson gave it to me. They had a fight about it, right before he broke up with her.

Well I’m not worried about her. I doubt that she knows about Jackson and me, and even if she blames me or my treasured necklace for their breakup, there’s nothing she can do about it.

“I can’t get through to him.” Aunt Constance frets when I tell her what Blythe said. “I just hope I’m planning the right kind of party for college students… and grads. I keep thinking they’d rather all go to a club." She sighs. “Did you buy a dress?”

“Yes.” I say excitedly. She’d given me a gift card and an appointment at one of her favorite stores so I could get a dress for the party. It wasn't that I couldn’t afford to buy a good dress on my own, but an appointment with one of the shoppers at Aunt Constance’s favorite shops is like fashion gold, and a step closer to looking as effortlessly perfect as she always does.

“Well enjoy yourself tonight, and don’t do anything I wouldn’t approve of.” She gives me a cautioning smile,

“Blythe will take care of me.” I say half-jokingly. “Don’t worry."

She snorts. “If she can keep her hands off that boy for long enough.” A cloud comes over her face, but it’s only for a moment. "Why don’t you go rest?” She tells me. “I can manage from here.”

I leave her in the study and go upstairs to my room, already inside before I realize I’m not alone. I feel the familiar shiver of anticipation going down my spine, and even before I look towards the bed and see Jackson sitting on it, I already know it’s him.

He’s wearing a dark blue shirt, jeans, and a wide grin, looking slightly disheveled but sexy as hell.

“Jackson!” I exclaim.

He puts a finger to his lips. “Shhh, come here.”

I go to him eagerly, sighing as he pulls me onto his lap and starts to kiss me.

“I was downstairs and I didn’t hear your car.” I say, when I come up for breath.

“I didn’t drive.” He lies back on the bed. “I was at a party last night, and I caught a ride home with Shane Colton,” he grins, “He doesn’t drink.”

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